Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Some extraordinarily clever person finds a box of original Honor Daggers, rents a time machine so he can see the Offermann photo decades before it was discovered, is wiley enough to sprinkle these daggers all over the world to slowly be discovered over decades, and yet, doesn't have the resources to spend 5 minutes to find stamps that make everyone happy - stamps readily available anywhere. That's a great explanation. Oh yeah, he modifies TWO of the daggers for wear - something no collector would ever do. I don't know why I didn't think of it. But don't listen to me or Johnson, or Wittmann, or Gailen David, or Houston Coates, or Grant Bias, Jason Burmeister or Keith Cornford, or just about ANY seasoned collector . . . we don't know what we're talking about, and it's all just a conspiracy.

Craig Gottlieb
Founder, German Daggers Dot Com