I'm a novice when it comes to SS cloth. So I have to look in several reference books to double check myself but, a quick look at your cufftitle is all that's needed. The pattern of the band is a dead give away. Since BeVo is a company ,and a prolific one at that, collectors coined the term "BeVo" for there style of manufacture. There is also a BeVo-like. It's similar but different enough to tell the difference. Try to pick up the 2 books by Ulric of England titled "Collecting Third Reich SS & Political Cuffbands". These are great books with a great amount of info. I haven't studied these in great detail so I don't know when the repros first apeared,at least since the early 70's. They even used patterns of cufftitles for book marks.
Also remember, not everything repro will glow under a blacklight. It all depends on the material used. It glows because it has phosfates in it for whitening. No phosfates and it won't glow. An original item will glow if washed in moderen detergent because of the phosfates in it.
I hope you can get your money back on it.