I would rather keep the "1%" portion of the TK ring alloy to myself, but there were several interesting metals in the "1%" that were fairly consistent from ring to ring. The reason is that it is the "secret formula" so to speak, that will allow us to provide a scientific authenticity document for rings in the future (we're already working on this project). It proved the infamous "Frank" ring to be authentic from a metallurgical perspective, and I am a big fan of the process.

I would say the best comparison would be between the Offermann style chain and the SS Honor Chain and Birthday degen hilt. All 3 are marked "800" and if the silver was a match, it would scientifically connect the dots. We do have strong photographic and documentary evidence to support these chains as being period . . . enough for most to conclude that the strange markings have some other explanation besides "fakery." but scientific study of the chain would certainly bridge the "uncertainty gap" to within a fraction of a percent, for those still on the fence.

Craig Gottlieb
Founder, German Daggers Dot Com