Brad, there is no world wide calculated scam on SS daggers, swords, nor anything else from this organization. Take an SS visor, where is the intrinsic value of the stratosphere prices that these are bringing ? How about 3K for an SS cufftitle........ a piece of cloth ??? $800 for a metal SS visor skull that weights 2 grams,even less than my beer bottle cap. Big Grin Big Grin Look at the price of any SS helmet ? It's a $200 Army helmet with a 10K decal for god sakes! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

When it comes down to it, collectors really don't care how rare a NSKK plated officer's dagger is compared to an M36 SS chain, nor a Water Protection cap eagle's rarity compared to an SS visor eagle; they want that SS emblem that came from the nastiest meanest most feared organization that walked the face of the earth during 1933-45! Eek Big Grin Smile

Which is worth more, the $25.00 Carcano rifle that Oswald used 1963............ or the $1000 shotgun that Chaney used on his buddy ?? Eek Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

When it comes to SS items the sky is the limit. When it comes to mint condition SS daggers that's were rarity is defined and all others fall in accordingly. Smile


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