OK - Guys. I've watched this thread enough and I've got to finally say something here.
I have had dealings with 3FL. As I know several other forum members have also. Maybe they will speak up, maybe not.
Not at any time did 3FL every do something that I could call dishonorable with me. He has ALWAYS MADE THINGS RIGHT WITH ME.
He has honored his word with me. And has come through with that word with ME.
Whithout going into questions of who's selling
authentic, parts, or repro pieces. Or how they are marketing them. All I can tell you that with ME, the man has been HONORABLE. And I've been around long enough to know what that means.
Are any of you aware that 3FL is terminally ill? Trying desperatly to survive a bit more.
I know you guys probably don't. If you did, I feel MOST, of you would stop this.
I HOPE that you ALL will now.
If some of you don't want to let it go, that is you right. Maybe in your heart, you like to give a few extra kicks to the guys who's already down. For those that feel they just have to "get their extra kicks in", I ask that you direct it at ME. OK? -wagner-