Here is the link, i will ask the moderators to post this on a more appropriate GDC URL for all to have access to...but i didnt want to wait (brief intro on the background by me, and URL and the end, also link to the paper on the left panel)

I am certain everyone (owners of numbered SAs or not), will enjoy this as much as I. We really needed this scholarly, rigorous input based on a complete study of the primary sources.

Dr. Martin Schuster, a German historian whose specific expertise is the SA in Berlin-Brandenburg, is the author. You may have already seen his doctoral dissertation which he completed in 2004 at the Technical University of Berlin.

This 20 pp. paper is based on his study of the following sources among others:

- Files BA NS 23 etc at Bundesarchiv
- Extant OSAF (SA High Command) directives relevant to the dolche
- Die Berliner SA
- Nordmark SA
- Various SA Gruppenfurer directives and letters
- Verordnungsblatt der Obersten SA Fuhrung etc etc

You will find here fresh information on the absolute logistical and financial nightmare that faced OSAF as a result of the massive orders for several millions Ehrendolche, and regular dienstdolche, data based on original sources regarding instructions for wear, maintenance, approved accesories, "gift daggers" (Geschenk dolche) and the type of blade adorment that was allowed. Evolution from OSAF management of the overall process to RZM, etc

Most importantly...and i wont spoil the fun for you, pp. 14-17 provides what it appears is the answer we have been waiting for regarding the 5 digit numbers.

This paper is meant to be read form start to finish with footnotes. Its well worth it
