
Looking forward to any additional info you can add ... Smile

I was re-reading an interesting 1942 article by Walter Frevert in "Das deutsche Waidwerk" today,
and Herr Frevert was miffed because so many of the younger foresters and hunters didn't know the difference between a Hirschf�nger and a Waidblatt ... he was also bummed-out and complained bitterly that this latest crop of fresh faces couldn't administer the "fang" properly and would rather use a firearm to apply the coup de grace, thereby causing the wounded animal to suffer further, and being quite unsportsman-like, too. He roundly condemned anyone who would not apply the death blow with cold-steel, either because of fear or lack of practice with the weapon. No excuse he said, that man should stay home with his Grandmother and have her read to him from hunting magazines ... real hunting is a man's sport! Big Grin
