There are 4 frequently encountered dates that Glowlight listed however there are some others that were issued early with dates that had some other significnce, that are completely correct. 30.6.34 (figuratively associated with the Night of the Long Knives) comes to mind, as well as 7.3.36 (Germany's entry into the Rhineland). I've never seen 8.10.42 as a correct date.

Another thing to watch for is a "0" in the date, originals did not have "0"s. I would suggest against ruling out a ring due to a date, use the other indicia of reproductions that you will find on ths forum. No doubt about this one though, it's bad.

Can you get some pictures of the document? Does the document purport to have been issued with this ring?

GDC Gold Badge #290
GDC Silver Badge #310