�How do the degens without wire fit in? Could they be for candidate?� A tough call because I think that we are just beginning to look at these swords in a new light and have not gathered enough data (or pictures) yet to see where the topic going. Offhand I would suggest that if there are in fact true �Candidate� models of the SS degen that they would have been school/SS owned for use as temporary ceremonial dress weapons (it makes no sense to me that they would have been private purchase items). And that at least some would have some kind of accountability markings.

And with an assist from one of my sons we did a side by side image using the upper locket and knot of Manfred�s sword as a baseline for a comparison of it and the one of the Oberscharf�hrer in Tom Johnson's book. It is not absolute proof that a studio prop SS or Police sword was used, but that is how I am interpreting it from what I can see. Showing besides the two screws (?) that especially the proportions/look of lower part of scabbard upper fitting appear to be noticeably different, as does the sword knot as shown with Manfred�s example. Can anyone identify the knot/strap in the picture?

And not to take anything away from the new "Reproduction Recognition" book, which I am eagerly waiting to see, I am assuming that �billet clamps� refers to the remaining visible die set extrusions from the drop forging operation - and not something else? (Called �flash� in American industry practices that is usually removed by �trim' dies with flash removal by sawing or grinding being used only in special circumstances.) FP

Locket-blur.jpg (19.11 KB, 139 downloads)