There seems to be a lot riding on the interpretation of what is perceived to be an officer�s type pommel on the sword in the picture. I enlarged it looking for signs of knurling which would confirm that it was what it is believed to be. The detail in the picture was not sharp enough to make any kind of determination. Also inconclusive IMO was the ID of the knot other than it was not black.

But what really caught my interest is the upper locket of the scabbard which seems to have two features not normally associated with SS or Police swords in general. Maybe it�s just me - but the locket seems misshaped especially on the lower portion which seems to be an uneven ellipsoid shape (?). And it also seems to have two (2) screws holding the upper locket in place??

Not unquestionable proof of a studio prop. But I think that it does prove that low resolution photos probably should not be relied on as substitutes for more reliable information with disputed topics. FP

SS-Locketarrow.jpg (13.1 KB, 169 downloads)