If you look at the old references--"Daggers and Dress Bayonets", R&L, 1959 or even "Daggers of the Third German Reich 33-45", by Mollo 1967( which I'm sure many of you doubters don't have or don't read or look at) you will see that compared to today we knew next to nothing about German WWII edged weapons. Back then (1959) many thought NPEA daggers were some type of NSKK dagger. You have to READ some of the captions and see the WRONG parts to see just a ton of WRONG information-- even in 1967. You will see in Mollo though-a photo of who he says is Hunlein wearing some type of political dagger with hangers like those worn on the Hitler Youth dagger. Impossible right? Non-regulation I'm sure. Improper silver marks I'm sure--and yet he was not taken out and shot-right?
Conclusion-It would tbe impossible to make a fake of a dagger like the NSKK Honor dagger without even knowing what it was or having a photo--and I believe the first NSKK Honor dagger came to light in approx 1958.
Even so --IF there was a fake it certainly would have been sold to the 1950's Grandaddy of Nazi blade collecting -"Dutch" Heilman. Heilman had it all-good and bad- and you can see many of the high priced fakes that were sold to him in the 40's and 50's in the R&L book--if you have it. Guess what--he did not have one.
I'm sure the doubters will avoid this just like they avoid all of the other things they can't explain.
Guess what-everything in this hobby can NOT be explained and speculation is just that and opinion is just that too.

MAX & OVMS Life Member, MAX Bd. of Experts. GDC Platinum Dealer. Collector since 1955.