Ed, It was my original intention to go to the MAX. But I had other commitments, and there was no way I could do it all. One of the things I was hoping to see online from the MAX were some good pictures of the daggers. There are ton of guys out there who are probably never going to see one of these �H�hnlein� daggers in person. And Craig at the present time only has one or two examples under his control. And whether or not he chooses to share some better photos is up to him.

As for a �get together�: �?Don't make me chase you down with my Segway!� Do I really want to have a �one on one� meeting with somebody who has that kind of mindset?

It could be just a coincidence, but the late Dr. Julian Milestone (another Northridge resident) did not like these daggers either. And the issue is really much bigger than the dagger (I presume) Craig is trying to sell now.

And there were also some secondary issues with the MAX. With TW�s �call to arms� would I even get a �seat� at the table? And how much time? With some reports that I�ve seen, indicating that what we might call out here a �Dog and Pony Show� (no disrespect intended) took up a fair amount of the available time.

And, especially in retrospect, I really do think something like a focused Powerpoint presentation would be very helpful to visualize some of the issues - especially for the audience. Which, from second hand information, seemed to lose interest with some leaving during the �Dog and Pony Show� proceedings. Regards, Fred