thanks again, dave. worth pondering for sure!

>a dagger that was manufactured at the very earliest in the spring of 1938.<

how do we know hack-werje GMBH didn't produce blades for Neues Deutschland before the Anschluss? It may be pulling a long bow, but is it really unlikely AH would throw some blade biz austria's way in the midst of Germany's economic miracle?

AH was sentimental all his life about his native country, and had big plans for Leonding and other neighborhoods of his youth. I know; a friend's dad had the original drawings.

I still think the backing-and-forthing of parts one firm to the next explains many things that seem anomalous.

The main thing, and you'd see this with dagg in hand, is that everything is "of a piece:" integral and harmonious and pretty clearly together for a Very Long Time.

and while I find the thread really interesting, I should point out that some of the hobby's leading lights here have found nothing at all "fishy" about this dagg. just the reverse in fact. maybe they'll chine in?
