Bret, That is an excellent link, and besides that evidence, there is no recorded use of the �H�hnlein� style markings ever being used on anything else except the daggers. But I don�t know if it is enough �proof� or not for H�hnlein dagger supporters to agree that they were postwar modified.

Here is a �.925� jewelers stamp that is currently for sale for just under $10.00 exclusive of postage. My point being the guys who ran this faking/counterfeiting operation not only used a lot of shortcuts, and clearly exhibited sloppy workmanship. They were not even that well funded or equipped, and made do with whatever they had at hand.

And there is nothing wrong in staying in your �comfort zone�. If it keeps you from worrying at night about whether or not something you purchased is a fake or not. FP

925 stamp link

925_stamp.jpg (45.51 KB, 786 downloads)