I'm not trying to offend anyone, but how hard can it be to figure out that the markings are fake?

Or is there a group of collectors or others, that thinks that the Gahr firm of Munich could not even afford to purchase the standard one piece "800" stamps? That were used repeatedly, on a dally basis, to mark the items being manufactured. Like we see with everything else made by Gahr with the 800 markings during that period.

And instead went to their local hardware store. To buy some individual number stamps to use to make the three stampings needed. That are seen only on these supposedly high quality "H�hnlein" daggers (I'm referring here to the workmanship (or more specifically the lack of workmanship) of the modifications - not the basic "core" daggers).


NSKK_misalignment.jpg (89.77 KB, 406 downloads)