I�m not a silver markings specialist myself, although I can say that those on the daggers look nothing like those on the silver hilted SS �Birthday� swords. That said, unless someone is claiming expertise, I don�t know how fruitful it is to pursue the matter. Unless of course they are stating the H�hnlein dagger markings are genuine based on some as yet undisclosed factor.

Mr. Stephens checked in briefly to the thread, but did not go into any real detail from his perspective at least as far as I know. From what I have heard a significant portion of the time seems to have been allocated for other business than a direct discussion.

And I don�t know if it would have made a difference with the panel or not. But I think that a 20 minute or so Powerpoint presentation, using a lot of the material from both threads, would have at least given the audience some food for thought. Which is the approach I think I would have taken, with a substantial focus on the silver chain versions of the daggers.

Fred: As hard as you have worked on this I really do hope that you have convinced every collector in the world you are right. Don't agree with you but I do have to respect your diligence on this subject. Your the hardest working in Dagger Land. Gailen

Gailen, What can I say? It�s been a long and for me very interesting 2 year journey with a very large break in the middle. I thought the topic was long dead, gone, and buried back in 2007.

Not so, and here we are. Regards, Fred