Here you see what I previously tried to do in regards to a deal with a Gorget that I was supposed to be the middle man in. WHEN I found out the Gorget was a copy I IMMEDIATELY bailed out !!!

Host: JONATHAN 1 participant
Active: ou812

Posted 22 March 2007 12:33


i may be interested in the ss gorget assuming it can be guaranteed to be 100% real. what would the best price gunther could do ?


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Posted 22 March 2007 12:58 Hide Post

Hi Jonathan

Gunter has shown the pictures you see to Wittmann who said it was OK.

I suggest that the deal is carried out this way, though:

1. Gunther sends the Gorget to me.

2. The buyer deposits the money by me.

3. I send the gorget to the buyer OR a dealer who evaluates the gorget.


3. The buyer gets the gorget evaluated.

4. I send the money to Gunther or return the money to the buyer.

Regarding the price I believe Gunther is open for suggestions.


SO as you MIGHT be able so see I only suggested a safety for the buyer and for the seller. NOTE that the seller NEWER would have gotten the money if the gorget wasn't genuine !!!