Well since no one posted anything following the MAX Show talk on this dagger I though I would make a few comments.
Really I think that sometimes personalities get in the way of discussing these daggers.
My comments are not about Craig or Fred rather just what I took away from the discussion.
The family that gave testimony were great to have there in person. Their talk about the providence of the dagger was VERY convincing. At the end of their testimony the room was silent for a few seconds then broke out in applause. In my opinion 99% of the room was convinced these are real. It was really brave of them to enter into our world and speak.
I�ve read this thread in depth and I think that despite a few points here that are difficult to explain... Some are seeing the trees rather than the forest. In many aspects of our hobby there are questions that are not yet answered.
There are many points here that have not been addressed:
1- How is it that these daggers have been surfacing all over the world over the past 50+ years and they have all been found by different people? Do people really think that someone bought up a bunch of real SA daggers, made up unique chains and special fittings and then travelled all around the world releasing them over the next 50 years?
2- How is it that these were Vet purchased and some for pennies on the dollar. Where is the profit in that?
3- How is it that these daggers have surfaced for many years before a period photograph appeared and the daggers look exactly like the picture? Admittedly I�ve not seen this picture yet but I hope it�s posted soon�.
4- Look at the many believers, Tom Johnson, Tom Wittmann, Houston Coates, Ron Weinand, Jason Burmeister, Helmut Weitze and Brian Maederer to name a few. I don�t even mention the many collectors who are believers. There are a lot of years of experience here�