Craig, Let me see if I can break it down to something you might possibly understand. With another image to hopefully illustrate the basic concept.

Below I have put an inverted version of the Offermann photo next to the B/W version. An unseen light source in the photo caused reflections. There is a shadow underneath the center mount. Which is caused by it sticking out. All of the current center mounts that we have seen to date are essentially flat not raised.

I don�t see a border embossed into the scabbard top mount. Do you?

As for �scenarios�: I don�t think that you were in Southern California when the unreal proliferation of fakes drove a lot of really serious collectors out of collecting TR. Do you remember me telling you about Dick Deeter (a friend and one time owner of the �Wolf� Luftwaffe sword)? He was not the only one who bailed out of TR. There were a bunch of guys that did the same thing because of the fakes, and they started to have problems telling the real from the unreal. And these were the guys who started from �ground zero� - not beginners.

So all this �scenario� stuff means nothing to me. Because there were lots and lots of fakes/altered items. And lots and lots of liars and dishonest individuals back then. Who preyed on the fact that collectors were not as well informed (back then) as today. They would tell you anything if they thought it would open your wallet. And all that stuff they generated did not disappear - it just keeps getting recycled over and over.

I also know to a certainty that you are not really - shall we say: �technically oriented�, which sometimes can make detecting fakes difficult.

But show me an NSKK dagger with a raised center section mount and I might become a believer. But if it has one of those silver fake �Gahr� marked fittings, or one of those haphazard mechanically engraved signatures. No Sale !! FP

NSKK_Offermann_inverted_copyc.jpg (107.38 KB, 1026 downloads)