"he has been speaking out against the authenticity of several well known, accepted dagger types. These views are extremely unpopular with the collecting community.

- you guys aren't kidding,, it stinks. That's pure bull**** whether it be last year or this year,,,and you guys proved they are running it again this year... Hey Fred,,how much they paying you to attend this thing?! Roll Eyes..

No disrespect Ron?!? If that was about you you'd be the first one crying about it to have it changed.. How about playing fair, You have some pull being a major stock holder. Why don't you re-arrange that to make it that Craig's views are extremely unpopular with the collecting community. and sound verbal challenge to him...

Hopefully the younger / new collectors are smart enough to know the difference between right and wrong. To know that guys with items like this,,that use forums like this, to try and legitimize their unorthodox pieces are doing this hobby wrong. To try and not frequent their sites to purchase and to make a stand and leave shows like this to the good ole boys and let these good ole boys trade these questionable pieces back and forth between themselves..
Sure the debate is over..I'd say the second he showed those hallmarks again it was over........