Jim, Yes, it is somewhat similar. But only to the extent that I think that there was agreement during the discussion that the letters on the sword had been engraved. Versus being forged by hand which I think had been suggested by the seller or someone representing the sword (?) when it first surfaced (I�m not entirely certain with that particular recollection). If memory serves me correctly Damast (James) in the GDC discussion even suggested a particular type of machine that could do that type work.

But with the dagger I think that there are some differences. The borders of the letters in the H�hnlein signature are, in at least my view, noticeably more irregular than those of the sword. Which to me suggests it could have been done by hand. Or possibly using a light duty template? Not a certainty at this point. But is an area I would be looking into more closely based on what I seem to be seeing at the moment. Fred