Hi. I was wondering if there is any interest in a possible get togehter for the Ontario based collector's to sit down, break bread and have a little show and tell.
The internet database group here is a wonderfull and time efficient means of communication. That being said, just checking if some old style sit down and talking would interest anyone at all. This could become a bi-annual event if we hit it off.
ALL ideas open.
I can offer free parking at a downtown Toronto location, and very possibly a secure and private room in a fairly adjacent restaurant (walking distance). Food needs, (omg bbq sauce on my allgemeine visor! you ___!) if warranted can be discussed as well.
The above is one of my ideas...I'm open to leaving the central core of Toronto as well.
In closing, it would be nice to meet you all.


The floggings will continue until morale improves.