That is very interesting Vern. I am at a lose for the origins of these, maybe they existed maybe not. Did you get a written statement by the veteran, that would be awesome. All we need is some document from the archives there has to be records(period) of them somewhere, but if they ever surface very slim chances. Maybe some day something will surface, the only guy I know that was deep into research on this org. was RBBrad, that was a member here at on time. I know he had lots of information on the Reichbahn and Bahnschulz but I think he joined in the Groupee Exodus, To bad. But if Verns proof is written and documented that is a step in there favor of its existance, I would think. But it still does not verify that it was used for a R.R. Dagger we can only guess why it was at a railway yard. Wow this topic could get deep if you really wanted to spend the time to reserch all of it.