Posted By: AKS General breast eagle ++. Good or not? - 07/03/2008 07:24 PM
Hi. Anyone got any information? The breast eagle and collar tabs are glued on the uniform.
Good or not?

[URL= ]eagle[/URL]

[URL= ]Collar tab[/URL]

[URL= ]shoulder board[/URL]
Posted By: AKS Re: General breast eagle ++. Good or not? - 07/06/2008 08:47 PM
Anyone got any information on this?
Please help me, I have never collecded/seen any uniform jackets(insignia) before (except for pictures)My main interest is indaggers and veapons, helmets and some medals.
This is for a friend of mine, hwo is thinking about selling, after his grandfather past away. The shoulder boardars are sewn on badly and the collar tap and breast eagle are glued on to this uniform, so ithas totally been tampered with, but are they good? (Will post uniform soon)Any price estemate on these insignia�s?
Can you get some natural light pics? The flash is killing the pics.
Posted By: AKS Re: General breast eagle ++. Good or not? - 07/07/2008 05:39 PM
Hi. Thank you for your reply. I will as soon as I can. They belong to a friend of mine.

As I am not a big expert on Generals insignia I took the liberty of posting them else were. This is an email response I recieved from a person i trust and respect in the cloth insignia field.

Hi Larry, The breast eagle you posted on the forum could be for a General or a KM officer's Field Grey uniform. It looks good to me. So does the collar tab (a variation) and shoulder board. I'd need to see these up close & personal to be sure but from what I see, they look ok.

Hope this helps some
Posted By: AKS Re: General breast eagle ++. Good or not? - 07/07/2008 08:55 PM
Thank you Lawrence, appriciate your help.

I will still post some new pictures when I get them. I have asked my friend if I can borrow the uniform jacket/tunic to take better pictures. Will post as soon as I have it.

Posted By: Mike Dalton Re: General breast eagle ++. Good or not? - 07/11/2008 11:52 PM
Hi, from what I can see, they all look to be very good to me. Quality is there in both construction and materials. Don't know why somebody would glue them to a uniform. I do agree with Laurence that it would be easier to say for sure if they were in 'hand'. Love to see some interior shots of the tunic. Is it labeled and named?
Posted By: AKS Re: General breast eagle ++. Good or not? - 07/13/2008 06:41 PM
Hi Mike
Sorry about the late reply.
It has probably been glued on by the former owner. He also made some really bad medal loops. (And he painted medals and bucles to make them lookgood)
The uniform is not named, but there is a tailor label in it. I will post more pictures this week, when I get it. (I am borrowing it from a friend)
What do you think about how the shoulder boards are sewn on? Was it really done as bad as this?
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