Posted By: Swordfish 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/22/2009 03:22 PM
Can someone please post an image of one of the bogus etches typically found on the short Eickhorn parade 98s, specifically the etch done in the UK in the 1970s? I've been trying to track down an image of an example which has been verified as a bad etch. Specifically the short bayo with the "In Memory of My Service Time" etch, found on the Eickhorn short bayos. I need an photo of one of these bade '70s etches for comparative purposes, and have been having a difficult time tracking one down from the net. Below is an image of a known good etch illustrating the specific type of service time etch which which i'm looking for.

Thank you and good collecting friend,

Attached picture jonsons_cropped.jpg
Posted By: Swordfish Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/22/2009 03:28 PM
Can I get your opinion regarding an etch in question.

The top bayo is an Eickhorn short parade KS98 with a known good etch. The Eickhorn bayo on the bottom has an etch which is in question. Can I get your opinion on the validity of the bottom etch? I'm trying to help out a collector who owns the bayo on the bottom with the etch in question. Hopefully, we can confirm it one way or another.

Thank you,

Attached picture compare_small.jpg
Posted By: joepo Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/22/2009 04:29 PM
I think that the fleur di lies?,sorry,bleed into the etch top and bottom near tip.IMO
Posted By: Swordfish Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/22/2009 04:35 PM
We were discussing this fellows bayo on another forum, and the sloppyness of some of the etched areas is what sent up the red flags. Note, some of the lacking detail in the eagle pattern, as well as some other areas.
Posted By: Wolf100 Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/22/2009 06:30 PM
Thanks Tom!

I�m the owner and here are more pics.
But don�t forget, that the "lack" maybe are just rusty spots, that surely are on the blade.

URL=http://img186.imageshack.us/i/22092009752.jpg/] [/URL]

Posted By: Swordfish Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/22/2009 06:32 PM
Good job on the photos. Those should help alot. I'm curious myself to see where this one goes.

Posted By: Billy G. Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/23/2009 12:52 AM
Tom & Marc,

I agree, the pics are better than your originals & these are very good at showing the etchs details. I think that Joepo is right rergarding the fleur de lis & it's bleeding into the etch pattern in general. I'd also be concerned about the adler's detailing. What we see on some of the more recent reproduction etches is a general poor detailing & an overall lack of symmetry. Compare the side by side points & their lack of symmetry to each other. Note the center point, does it even look like the other two?

How about the bottom border, it's not even close to straight. Also look to the lines on the top eagles wings & compare them to the top bayonet. The top one is clean & the etch is all there, not so much on the bottom bayonet.

I am well aware that the Solingen etch masters were by no means perfect however we have to remember that these pieces were purchased by the original owners at extra cost & I can't imagine the quality control of the day letting this one piece go through for purchase but who knows? I'm not holding myself out as an expert but rather an admiring student of etched bayonets. That said, I'd have to stand by my initial thoughts on WAF that this Eick has concerns that make me think it is more recent than 1945.
Posted By: joepo Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/23/2009 01:53 AM
Billy G..glad we agree.Nothing compares to hands on inspection,as well as Waynes book.
Great pictures though for discussion.
Posted By: TKissinger Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/24/2009 12:19 AM
I see some of the same problems that you all do, but we must be very careful looking at photos to determine authenticity. I have a couple of the very same etches in my collection and you can see differences, you can also see differences in Waynes book. Just how many differences makes one say its a fake, Wayne says three should make you look for a better one.

If you are spending mega bucks on an edge weapon, get some opinions from others. Take time and do research. There is probably not a collector living that hasn't got taged with a bad item or two.

Not to say that all fakes are hard to spot, some are very obvious.
Posted By: Denny Gaither Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/24/2009 05:14 PM
Originally posted by TKissinger:
There is probably not a collector living that hasn't got taged with a bad item or two.

Not me Terry!

Attached picture 12975-12.JPG
Posted By: Von Ryan Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/24/2009 10:36 PM
Now that's about the nicest looking bogus example I've seen in quite a while......(the above).

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Posted By: Denny Gaither Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/25/2009 03:42 AM
Originally posted by Von Ryan:
Now that's about the nicest looking bogus example I've seen in quite a while......(the above).

I Love This Stuff
Von Ryan

The funny part is that I put it out on eBay listed as a fake and sold it for over a hundred dollars more than I paid for it.
Posted By: HenrikKH Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/26/2009 12:27 PM
The etch on Wolf100's bayonet is 100% legit. These etches are handmade, and not two etches will be identical... It's a typical deep Eickhorn etch, not even close the ones made in eastern Europe, or the ones from the UK.

Posted By: Von Ryan Re: 98 Bayo Bogus Etch Query - 09/28/2009 10:25 PM
While what you say has some truth to it this example is so poorly etched as far as detail is concerned that while it may not be a reproduction (as such) it might have been an Eickhorn second and was hilted after the war. The hilt is not shown so I can't tell if it's an Eickhorn "all the way". Even if it was however, it would not have been for sale to anyone during the 33 to 45 period. In a private conversation I suggested that if this individual wants a classic 3219 there are many to choose from that you WON"T have to answer a lot of questions about when you go to sell it.

I hope many of you are going to the MAX next weekend. If you do stop by my table and let's discuss etched bayonets.....

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