Posted By: david walsh landespol. gruppe goering dress bayo? - 02/26/2012 04:00 AM
hi fellas --

encountered today an interesting knight's-head dress bayonet with thick-and-chunky stag grip plates. it also has:

1. a slot with 'luftwaffe green' felt insert
2. 'lug-release button' that ... isn't. one side looks exactly like a functioning 'pusher,' but it's just decorative (not the abstract 'eye' as seen on the police sidearm); and the other side on pommel is blank
3. the frog is a high-grade smooth, semi-gloss l.w. brown
4. the frog's reverse belt loop has a large stamped 'LG' (no periods)
5. the frog has an ancient police knot with the usual leather strapping with ornamental stripes, the ball with alternating green/bullion. (I didn't look at the insert on the end). it looks to be original to the piece, nearly 'welded' by time in places to the bayo you know what I mean
6. the frog has two sets, not one, of upper rivets, and one pair of lowers

SO TO THE QUESTION: is this an early LANDESPOLIZEIGRUPPE GOERING model, as I think and hope? and if so how desirable are they? joe? johnz? terry? anyone please? sorry I don't have pix and hope the description is adequate.

many thanks!
Posted By: Billy G. Re: landespol. gruppe goering dress bayo? - 02/26/2012 04:23 AM

What type of hilt does the bayonet have? Standard KS98 with stag grips? Not sure what you meant by "knight's head".
Posted By: david walsh Re: landespol. gruppe goering dress bayo? - 02/27/2012 02:48 AM
hi billy -

bayo has the wkc knight's head logo on ricasso w/o any other writing or marks. now I think of it wasn't this plain mark mostly WWI and weimar?

hilt as as you see on other dress bayos. but again reflecting further: while the same shape and the usual nickel plating, maybe it was larger than normal? or maybe those thick horn plates just made it seem that way in retrospect...

btw it's a long blade not the stiletto shorty type.

does this sound like a l.p.g. goering item, then? thanks for writing billy. dw
Posted By: Billy G. Re: landespol. gruppe goering dress bayo? - 02/27/2012 12:52 PM

I've never personally seen one of the aforementioned models so I couldn't say. I would think George Wheeler or Joe W. could offer a qualified opinion on the description though. Good luck, I hope it pans out for ya.
Posted By: david walsh Re: landespol. gruppe goering dress bayo? - 02/27/2012 03:48 PM
thanks billy. I was thinking, less excitingly, that the 'LG' just refers to a unit or location....

by the way, 'the german police' by angolia doesnt go into this

other experts please chime in! if it's a good'un I dont want to lose it to someone else, thanks david
Posted By: david walsh Re: landespol. gruppe goering dress bayo? - 02/27/2012 05:08 PM

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