Posted By: Dave Walker Takedown tool - 02/08/2008 02:29 AM
I have a small SS,SA, Dagger takedown tool that i purchased awhile back. It doesn't look like the example in Thomas M. Johnson's book;page 266. My question is a 2 parter. First, is this a real tool and if it is, what is the box end of it for, wereas is won't fit the nut; only the open end of it will.

Attached picture y4458satool.jpg
Posted By: Edwin van Veelen Re: Takedown tool - 02/17/2008 06:04 PM
Hi Dave,

IMO this is not an original takedown tool. In Germany and Holland, you can find them on militaria-shows, not often, they are scarce.

I've buyed ca. 5 years ago one in Germany by a "bad dealer" for 50-60 euro's (should be original..),
On the tool is written: DOLCH SCHRAUBENSCHLUSSEL M 7/66.

Years later they were offered me for 30-35 euro and 1-2 years ago, an German dealer offered them at a Militariashow in Holland for 10 or 15 euro's....
I've buy 5 pcs and after me, a "famous bad german dealer" buyed the other ones (I guess 20-30 pcs). I'm afraid, the sell them as "original" and for a big price....

My tool has only a small hole to put it on a keyring. It's very useful to open a Dienstdolch at a militariashow!

The tool in Johnson's book is IMO not an original, the swastika is "too much".


Edwin van Veelen
The Netherlands
Posted By: Dave Walker Re: Takedown tool - 02/18/2008 04:13 AM
Thanks for your input Edwin. I didn't think it was original when i bought it, even if it did have a smooth-tail ,"over-the-shoulder" squirrel on the opposite side. It looks to new and Manufactured to be old. Probably of more use in my tool box.
Posted By: vintagetimenow Re: Takedown tool - 04/04/2008 01:13 AM
I own the tool pictured in Johnson's book. I bought it from Gailen David years ago when he was partnered with him. It seems to be made of brass, and the back is plain.

Attached picture Dagger_tool.jpg
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