Posted By: Dieter777 Vertical hanger help - 07/16/2006 01:09 AM
Hi Folks,Just picked up this piece with a dagger and I need some opinions. Is it real or fake? Value as real or fake? I suspect it is a reproduction but from when? or who made them? Thanks for your time.

Attached picture vertical_hanger_008.jpg
Posted By: Dave Re: Vertical hanger help - 07/16/2006 01:27 PM
Could we see more pictures ?

Posted By: Dieter777 Re: Vertical hanger help - 07/16/2006 04:56 PM
Thanks Dave, as requested.

Attached picture vertical_hanger_014.jpg
Posted By: Dieter777 Re: Vertical hanger help - 07/16/2006 04:57 PM

Attached picture vertical_hanger_013.jpg
Posted By: Dieter777 Re: Vertical hanger help - 07/16/2006 05:04 PM
Do all vertical hangers have stitching across the bottom?
Posted By: Nietzsche Re: Vertical hanger help - 07/17/2006 03:23 PM
IMO it's a reproduction. I have never seen an original with a cast or pot metal clip.
Posted By: Dave Re: Vertical hanger help - 07/17/2006 04:39 PM
Not all SS vertical hangers have bottom stiching. see pages 587 - 603 of TW's book.

If you look on page 598 of that SS booh, you will see the center vertical has a similar construction to yours. It is mine and if you need pics, just ask.

The thing that would make me reluctant to purchase the one you show is the clip. That type of metal with that incuse stamp is usually the sign of a fake. Sorry.

Posted By: Houston Coates Re: Vertical hanger help - 07/18/2006 07:43 PM
Fake-No doubt. Atwood special from the 60's. Probably made in Germany. Repro Value $35-$50. Some will say it has NO value but it will sell for that anyway.
Posted By: [email protected] Re: Vertical hanger help - 04/09/2017 10:22 PM
How many types of these vertical hangers with zinc clips are there? All of them appear old and have wear they have different RZM codes 1/35 1/38 the clip is what makes everyone reluctant to purchase. I am confused. It is stated that "I have never seen a real one with a cast or pot metal clip?" then what would make it original with a pot metal clip??? If the rest of the construction is "textbook" and it has "age" and is not new is the clip that which defines it as a repro???? these do not resemble modern repros at all and side by side they are identical to "known accepted period vertical hangers" so these are not "textbook" due to the clip??? if a faker went through the trouble and cost of making such a near perfect and aged copy why did they not use metal plated clips???? These were around by the hundreds back then and basically worthless. I have five myself three unmarked and some RZM stamped doesnt make any sense looks like a classic case of textbook and accepted weird
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