Posted By: pvon SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 12/04/2020 12:48 AM
Today, 01:00 PM

Here is the most critical information you need to know:
1. The new show dates will be Thursday through Saturday, July 22-24, 2021 (with dealer drop-off on Wednesday, July 21, and pack-up on Sunday, July 25).

2. If you have reserved tables they will be automatically rolled over to the new date. You will not need to fill out any additional forms. We will be mailing your table acknowledgements in about two weeks from now.

3. If you have not yet reserved your tables, fill out a form immediately and return it to the OVMS office. DO NOT send payment yet as you will be on the waiting list. We will let you know when we have a table for you.

4. We are working with the Crown Plaza Hotel concerning room reservations in the OVMS block. We will let you know as soon as we have any information for you. If you have reserved rooms at other hotels, you should call them right away to move your reservation. This also goes for airline reservations.
5. The deadline for program ads is now June 1, 2021.

We understand that our members need as much advance notice as possible, so this information is going out to you within hours of finalizing these arrangements with KEC. We also understand that while some of our members will be disappointed and / or inconvenienced by this move, others will be excited about doing the show in nicer weather. It is much more likely that vaccines and therapeutics will be widely distributed by then, and thus better for the health and welfare of our members. Hopefully, there will also be fewer Corona virus restrictions at that time and international travel is much more likely to be available. Trust in this; rescheduling the SOS was not our first choice. It was, however, the one thing that we could do to reasonably ensure that the Show-of-Shows would take place in 2021. Better to reschedule the SOS than not to hold it at all!

More importantly, we did not want to risk the type of last-minute forced cancellations that wrecked the Tulsa Show (cancelled less than 4 days before opening) and the Chantilly show (cancelled TWO HOURS before dealer setup.) The OVMS is fully aware that this type of last-minute cancellation would be a financial disaster for all of our participants. By moving to July, we have hopefully avoided those risks.

This is the basic information that we have for you right now. We will be sending out additional information as we know it. Please watch for updates on the OVMS website, in your email or regular mail, on the OVMS Facebook page, and on the major militaria collector’s forums. We know how important the SOS is to all of you and we will do everything possible to keep you up-to-date.

On behalf of the officers and directors of the OVMS, stay safe and healthy. We look forward to seeing you at the SOS in July!!
Bill Combs – OVMS Business Manager
Posted By: Dave Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 12/04/2020 02:11 AM
Thanks, Bill.

Posted By: Baz69 Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 12/04/2020 07:50 PM
That's fine but is it going to go ahead or will the date be changed again or cancelled, for those of us who have to travel a ways it's important to know for sure.

Posted By: JohnZ Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 12/05/2020 12:02 AM
July is optimistic, I think.
Posted By: [email protected] Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 12/07/2020 12:44 AM
I think under the new US administration and with COVID numbers growing, should the upward trend continue, in the absence of vaccination I strongly believe that any large shows or conventions will be cancelled. There will be no outside of the US buyers, dealers or attendees for certain. Regards, Ryan
Posted By: Gaspare Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 12/07/2020 02:49 AM
Our shipment of vaccines got cut in half the other day.... Seems another country paid a bit more per unit / cut a deal/etc.etc.. - We let it happen [gotta share with our former masters] on the promise we would be adequately supplied the following month,,,we'll see'.

My wife works at just about the biggest hospital in Manhattan. They say IF, if they and the other hospitals and agencies get the vaccines by April we could be getting the shots out quick.. Complete plans already set and ready to put in motion!!
The SOS could be a possibility , [they really should have pushed for late Aug. or late Oct.....

- * Meanwhile.. NYC, and ALL other hospitals are super low on their blood supply.. Its very dangerous,,,someone you love has an emergency , appendix, heart problem, difficult delivery! and they need blood and that person really has a problem...
Real easy,, Takes 20, 30 mins guys to donate.. Go for it especially you O+ guys!!!.., The life you save could be your family members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Dave Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 12/07/2020 12:20 PM
I wonder if MAX will still be in September ?
Posted By: Joe S Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 03/05/2021 04:20 AM
Any body know how the table sales are going for the July SOS?
Joe S
Posted By: TRIPLE T Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/17/2021 12:06 AM
The 22cd of July can’t get here fast enough! Sure looking forward to a great S.O.S. Show!
Posted By: [email protected] Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/21/2021 07:29 PM
I have a Canadian dealer friend who was turned away at US border yesterday entering for SOS... shame I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable show Please post plenty of pics for those of us who can't attend, or, like me can't cross the border cheers and est, Ryan
Posted By: Gaspare Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/22/2021 04:39 AM
yeah thats messed up.. It was open [very briefly],,then closed again.. The Canadian dealers / pre paid entries, driving down should get reimbursed [I hope!]...
Posted By: [email protected] Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/25/2021 11:11 PM
Dying to see photos Feedback anyone go..................................
Posted By: ed773 Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/26/2021 12:48 PM
Yes, lets hear the report.
Not a lot, if any, from outside US. That could be bad, or good.
A lot of new tables with people who want to sell there stuff, not just trade with the brass.
Might have been the year to go?
Posted By: JR Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/26/2021 12:55 PM
SOS 2021

Attached picture SOS 2021.jpeg
Posted By: Gaspare Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/26/2021 05:37 PM
VERY nice haul JR !
Posted By: [email protected] Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/26/2021 08:52 PM
WOW JR quality stuff......................................as in your norm cheers and best, Ryan
Posted By: Dave Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/26/2021 10:05 PM

What maker is the SS dagger ?

Posted By: [email protected] Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/28/2021 02:48 PM
Did anyone here attend the SOS....??? even your opinion's and finds would be appreciated cheers and best, Ryan
Posted By: Joe S Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/28/2021 11:27 PM
the hall was full, lots more guns than usual, many of the European vendors were not present, not sure about the crowd, its a big place and a lot of people could be in there and have lots of room, I saw some very nice merchandise and some buying and selling going on. Overall I was satisfied and hope they do it in the summer again. Driving in ice storms in Feb. does not work for me. Also an increase in the number of young people was noted by many in attendance. Joe S
Posted By: [email protected] Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/29/2021 02:39 PM
Thanks Joe, so far all who attended say it was great cheers R
Posted By: ed773 Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/29/2021 03:36 PM
Would be nice to SEE some of the things purchased, and to know the prices they realized.
I mean how could anyone walk around the SOS for three days and say it was bad.
Hope to see some stuff,
Posted By: Gaspare Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/29/2021 04:07 PM
you know some dealers don't like their items photo taken...and,, your on the hunt,, you kind of forget to take photos... So far I haven't seen any photos anywhere!

Don't worry,,at the MAX I usually take full photos of the isles, cases/items etc.. And when a dealer says something,,I tell them I'm the photog for the MAX Gazette! whistle

IF I'm still above ground I'll get the shots!!
Posted By: Gaspare Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/29/2021 04:45 PM
*Photo Credit - WAF, Jpic, Castle:

well,, since no one here seemed to go,,or take photos.. I grabbed just a few photos from somewhere else we could have a look see....

- *Looks like the standard SOS/MAX show..

Attached picture image_5014622.jpg
Attached picture image_5014623.jpg
Attached picture image_5015197.jpg
Posted By: [email protected] Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/30/2021 05:51 PM
Thanks I have heard it was a great show especially for buying cheers Ryan
Posted By: pvon Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/30/2021 07:39 PM
Just talked to member typeking

A long time serious collector we know gave him the skinny from the show!

He said it was the best selling show from SOS he had ever had!

And he always goes!

Will talk to him sunday and learn more!

Said not many Europeans at show but the ones that came brought cash and spent it!

Posted By: ed773 Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/30/2021 07:49 PM
Still have seen nothing but JR's catch.
With such a good show, you would think people would show the stuff they got.
Oh well
Posted By: [email protected] Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/31/2021 08:03 PM
Hi Ed I think the lack of replies is more indicative of the fact that not may GDC members that remain attend the SOS as in years past. Cheers, Ryan
Posted By: Gaspare Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 07/31/2021 08:18 PM
I see some buys here and there at the forums. Tabs, a flag or 2, some insignia,,nothing that makes you go WOW,,,,although JRs haul is more than respectful!

I went for years. But the flight, hotel, eats, drinks, [maybe car rental] etc etc. It became just not worth it for me. [Especially IF I took the wife and she was out shopping!]
IF I saw a nice ring or cufflinks for a few hundred each what was I really paying for them?..

The MAX has been a drive to show for me. Hours,,,but now in York,,a 3 hr drive so I'm there and many in the Northeast collectors will be there and from surrounding areas,,,,plus the hardcores flying in... York is going to be good!
Posted By: [email protected] Re: SOS show now in JULY!!!!!!!!! - 08/01/2021 03:34 AM
I hope the US/Canada border is open to travel by the Max otherwise its another year cheers, Ryan
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