Posted By: lakesidetrader Paypay.com scam - 02/15/2010 10:13 PM
Scam Warning PayPay
I want members here to know that I have just been scammed by a customer using and outfit called https://www.paypay.com/
They are based out of California and process US$ payments for international customers. This customer�s shipping address is in Poland
Well, they generated a US$ Money Order that bounced on me and now my customer has gone silent not answering emails.
I�m now trying to get to the bottom of this but without any response from Paypay or the customer it�s difficult.
Has anyone else out there heard of these guys?
Posted By: Jim W Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/15/2010 11:01 PM
The California Department of Consumer Affairs is probably the regulatory body you need.

If you go on their web site you can probably file a complaint with them on line.

They can also advise you.

The state of california takes consumer fraud very seriously.
Posted By: Skynyrd Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/15/2010 11:28 PM
Sounds pretty shady, never heard of them.
Easy to imagine paypal wouldn't be too fond of the name.

So you thought everything was legit & shipped before the MO cleared ?
Posted By: lakesidetrader Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/15/2010 11:57 PM
I always thought that MO's would never bounce.
Silly me!!
Posted By: Dave Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 12:07 AM
Are you talking about a US Postal Service Money Order ?

Posted By: DG Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 12:56 AM
I am sorry to hear that. It stinks that people can't do business without fear of being ripped off. I hope you get is straightened out.
Posted By: Ed Sunday Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 01:30 AM
Yes Paul they fake money orders including US postal money orders ! Bank checks are also faked !
Posted By: anonymous 123 Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 02:07 AM
Since I'm not a dealer I only sell items infrequently. However; I've seen and heard enough to give myself pause when shipping items into former Commie Block countries in particular and out of the United states in general. I usually wait for payment to clear completely, and this includes cashiers checks, before shipping something if the buyer is not personally known to me.Sorry about your loss Paul but,IMO recovery is going to be difficult.

Pawel Novak,among other scammers from Europe, have been shafting collectors with impunity for years. This ought to tell you that his government could care less about pursuing him.
Posted By: Skynyrd Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 02:31 AM
Checks/money orders are basically IOU's, if theres no $ in the account to back them up, or no actual account, then of course they are worthless.
All take 3-5 days to clear.
Exceptions are postal money orders, which are clear as soon as you cash them at the post office, and checks drawn on the same bank as you use, if I'm not mistaken.
Therefore, unless they are from a trusted source, any seller takes a risk shipping before they clear, as lakeside unfortunately has found out.

I just wonder about the "paypay" end of it, what is their niche outside of paypal ?
Posted By: TKissinger Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 03:01 AM
I have taken postal money orders to my bank to cash and they don't like them. First they ask me if I know the person, then was it ebay transaction, and then they call to find out if it is a good one. They say the fakes are so good they can't tell the difference.

Posted By: Skynyrd Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 03:34 AM
Thats why you should take them to the post office, they can tell the difference, and put the $$ straight in your pocket.
Cash a postal money order at a bank, its still gotta clear like any other one.
Posted By: pvon Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 04:19 AM
Postal money orders are a pain in the butt!

Post office sells them but clerks seldom have the funds to cash them!

You can make 5 trips to get 300.00 cash!

Large amounts? They just don't have the cash in drawer!

Thats why its easier to just deposit at the bank.

But your right about fake postal money orders
or fake bank drafts!

Never heard of pay pay!

Paypal still has worked good for me!knock on wood!

No easy way when sales are from out of country!

Posted By: Skynyrd Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 06:02 AM
Hmm, I've never had any problems cashing at the post office, I'm pretty sure they are required to cash their own checks.

Quite a few scam warnings googling about paypay, but theres some pretty bad info about paypal too, so its hard to gauge just what kind of outfit it is.
I gather that they are based in east Europe, and its primary purpose is to facilitate international banks transfers.
Posted By: anonymous 123 Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/16/2010 07:12 AM
Pvons got it right. It's a rare day when you can cash one at the Post Office for $200.
They just never sem to have the cash on hand.
Posted By: lakesidetrader Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/21/2010 04:34 PM
Well guys I was hoping I was wrong on this thing but it looks like given that the guy is not responding I'll give you a heads up to be very careful ever doing transactions with MIROSLAW LOBA of Poland or the whole Paypay organization neither have responded to my attempts to resolve this.
Posted By: Dean Perdue Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/21/2010 05:53 PM
Thanks Paul for trying to save others the misery of going through this also.

I had a potential buyer from S.Africa offer to buy a item that was listed 'ships in USA only'.
I then contacted Paypal and the represenative stated even though the transaction qualified for seller protection it would be totally at their discretion and she advised me to walk away.
The buyer's feedback looked great,as he had multiple high $$ item's purchased, but I just couldn't afford to take the chance.

I'm even skeptical about being scammed by dishonest US buyer's that PP sometimes protects at the seller's expense.

Hope you get your money or there's some justice sooner or later.
Posted By: lakesidetrader Re: Paypay.com scam - 02/22/2010 07:42 PM
Thanks Dean
In my experience this is not common. 99.99% of the guys in this hobby are excellent to deal with and are upright in everyway. Smile Thanks to GDC we all get a heads up.
I used to do a ton of Ebay stuff and that was 10x the grief I see in this business.
In your situation suggest you ask for references. This is a small hobby and people find out pretty darn quick who is a scammer. Five figure deals+ on a hand shake in this business are common place.
Posted By: LH 600 Re: Paypay.com scam - 03/15/2010 07:41 AM
Originally posted by lakesidetrader:
Well guys I was hoping I was wrong on this thing but it looks like given that the guy is not responding I'll give you a heads up to be very careful ever doing transactions with MIROSLAW LOBA of Poland or the whole Paypay organization neither have responded to my attempts to resolve this.


Please add some pics of what that thief stole from you.
We collectors have an keen eye for items on internet Winkif listed for sales .....
Posted By: lakesidetrader Re: Paypay.com scam - 03/22/2010 02:30 PM
Well guys the world is a bit brighter place today! After much time and trouble Paypay reissued another MO which did in fact clear!! I never did get a straight answer as to why their MO bounced. Confused
Regardless, I do now have the funds.
I owe a personal and public apology to Miroslaw which I have done personally and here I present publicly.
I am sorry Sir for judging this too soon, please forgive me. Smile

Finally thanks to all my GDC friends who both publicly and privately offered support in this matter. Thats what friends are for!!
Posted By: Mazz Re: Paypay.com scam - 03/22/2010 02:48 PM
I'll take a postal money order any day of the week over paypal. At least when you walk out of the PO with cash in hand you don't have to worry about PP seizeing your money over a dispute or a check bouncing days down the road. I go to the PO at the end of the work day and never had a problem yet.
Posted By: LH 600 Re: Paypay.com scam - 03/23/2010 06:09 AM
If you sell by internet and use paypal or other methods , wait intil the moeny are safe landed in your bank account , and then ship the items.
Or money cash.

This is a rule number one for buyers you dont know.

Collector friends and people you thrust is safe to deal with always. But new members and peoples at Ebay & other net auctions can rob your ass very quickly if you are in the hurry Wink

Posted By: JohnZ Re: Paypay.com scam - 03/24/2010 11:24 AM

Good news, for sure.

Must take a big laod off your mind.

Good to see you back, my friend.

Posted By: John Pepera Re: Paypay.com scam - 03/24/2010 02:46 PM
EXTREME CAUTION be known for although one has been paid via Pay Pal and the monies are in your Pay Pal account and you have thereafter transferred ALL of your Pay Pal monies into your personal bank account, Pay Pal has the right and they will, go into your personal bank account and take any and all monies that they want due to the BUYER saying that they're not satisfied with the deal.

Solution: Have a 'special' bank account that is the one that you have linked with Pay Pal and only leave a very small amount of money in that account.

Don't believe it? Check with your bank.

Posted By: militarymania Re: Paypay.com scam - 03/24/2010 05:48 PM
Posted By: lakesidetrader Re: Paypay.com scam - 03/25/2010 10:46 AM
Just thought I should clarify here. The bounced MO was issed by Paypay.com NOT Paypal.com

Yes, paypal can be a problem and can take or hold your funds and in my experience they smooth international transactions. Untill we are all on one currency IMHO Paypal is the easiest/fastest and cheapest way to do international transactions under $1000. I believe that the vast majority of transactions are problem free.
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