Posted By: Mike (aka Byzanti) Apache fighting rings of Paris - 06/04/2017 08:45 PM
Can't make this stuff up.... these are probably rare as hens teeth... (look up tools of the trade thread for more info..) the "ah-PASH" used these when attaching weathy and unsuspecting Parisians during the Belle �poque period.... (image:http://englishhistoryauthors.blogspot.com/2013/09/victorian-violence-repelling-ruffians.html?m=1)

Attached picture IMG_6751.JPG
Posted By: Gaspare Re: Apache fighting rings of Paris - 06/07/2017 03:42 PM
Mike,,what a cool image. The poster too on the other topic!
Man, not a fist you'd want to get socked in the jaw with wearing even one of these rings!
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