Posted By: Evocati Michael Whittman SS-Panzer Ring - 05/30/2017 01:55 AM
Hello all, I'm new to the board and, sadly, my experience in rings is minimal.

Does anyone have a set of images for the full circumference of the Whittman SS-Panzer Ring? Or perhaps knows the actual designation for the ring... TOTLS has it listed for Wittman specifically, but I'm dubious as to whether that is accurate as I can find neither a reference to him receiving a ring nor any ring in particular (even the TK).

Really, I'm trying to located an accurate replica, if one is even obtainable. Below is the image I'm referring to with the link to the TOTLS site.


TOTLS Website

Posted By: Gaspare Re: Michael Whittman SS-Panzer Ring - 05/30/2017 04:38 AM

welcome to the forum Evo.,,

"Really, I'm trying to located an accurate replica,"

Your best bet is to go to the top of the forum and check out the pinned topic 'Personalized reproduction Honor Ring source'. It's a good starting point for you to learn about the various reproductions out there for sale..
Posted By: Evocati Re: Michael Whittman SS-Panzer Ring - 05/30/2017 06:12 AM
I should have mentioned that I'm already in contact with Hapur whom doesn't believe he still has a viable mold of the ring I'm seeking. It's not a TK and I've only seen one location in the sites I've perused that displays the ring I showed above.

I was originally looking for Rommel's Panzer SS ring, but I'm not fond of the large square display.

Posted By: Gaspare Re: Michael Whittman SS-Panzer Ring - 05/31/2017 04:24 AM
this ring you show in your last post,7142,,it is a fantasy ring.
Some had SS runes on each side,,others had SS on one side and SD on the other. Keep checking the auctions as they occasionally turn up.
Posted By: Evocati Re: Michael Whittman SS-Panzer Ring - 06/02/2017 06:45 AM
Bah! Dag nab it. I spoke with Harpur about it and he thought it may be a fictional ring, but he wasn't certain. /sigh Is the history of the awards based mainly on oral history or is there an actual document that can attest to most of them (outside of the TK). I've seen some images of what looks to be a catalog somewhere based upon the '44 issue of the Tk ring, but I didn't see where they got that source.

PS: Thank you for following up on that. I thought I was just going crazy. :-P
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