What you say about this copy for wearing ?

Attached picture DSCF3473_новый размер.JPG
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Attached picture DSCF3482_новый размер.JPG
next shots
ring very massive

Attached picture DSCF3486_новый размер.JPG
Attached picture DSCF3487_новый размер.JPG
Attached picture DSCF3488_новый размер.JPG
Looks like a cast one. Band and "engraving" cast.
Not the badest fake i saw, but for sure you see at once the fake.

I think its a question of the price for this one. If very cheap - of course a cool wearer.
But i myself would give maybe a little more money for a much better and hand engraved fake for wearing
yeh copy cast
but made very good
correct skull
and runs without distortion
I bought one of these "Meyer" SSHR's from [email protected]. Not cheap, but a reasonably accurate copy for wearing and I am happy with it. Slightly undersized - v - an original, as is the usual case with casting from a master copy or original.
Yeh Barry
You absolutly right
Accurate and detaled, but scale some less then original (((
On the picture is poor kitchen grade casting with unacceptable gas porosity.
I hold your copy ring and it too no so good copy , too big scale ))))
and skull total fantasy wink
I own both them.

Meyer's repro has a convincing skull but shows obvious cast flaws, while Hapur's shows die struck quality with a less convincing skull (if compared with original ones). That said I personally wear Hapur's repro.

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