Posted By: greg -1 whoops - 10/09/2006 06:04 PM
always new this sort of thing went on
it throws the helmet world into chaos
Posted By: Rob Sutton Re: whoops - 10/10/2006 06:00 AM
Was it just replaced liners ? Rob.
Posted By: Brave Wolf Re: whoops - 10/10/2006 08:15 AM

Posted By: Rev.Mike Re: whoops - 10/11/2006 09:58 PM
It is a testimony to the moribund nature of this forum that few have commented on this thread. Just my $0.02
Posted By: Brave Wolf Re: whoops - 10/12/2006 07:46 AM
I couldn't agree more with you Mike.

Very disturbing.

The Forum is alive, with the sound of silence...

Sing along please. Razz

Posted By: mike peters Re: whoops - 10/12/2006 01:32 PM
After scanning through the pages and pages of posts they have ...I'm not sure there's anything we could add ..It looks like people are questioning more than just the Liner issue now , more "questions" are coming to light
Look at post #60

Post #88 - unfortunately, Kelly Hicks name was brought into it
It's like a Lynch mob ..but with Helmets selling for thousands these days ,these Collectors are worried.
I don't know Ken and have never dealt with him however , he always had a good reputation ...I wonder why's he's not defending himself tooth and nail . Too bad
Posted By: Rev.Mike Re: whoops - 10/12/2006 01:47 PM
Mike, you are right it is rather like a lynch mob. I have never bought anything from Ken N., but he has been helpful to me in the past always answering my questions in a forthright manner.Unfortunately, his failure to make any response to the questions raised has made the WAF members connect the dots and draw what appears to be a valid conclusion. Bringing Kelly Hicks into this is unfortunate and I think it is unwarranted. I have always preferred this forum in the past as it is generally more civil. However this one seems to be dead or asleep at the moment.
I do hope that there is a valid explanation out there but it does look bad at the moment.

Posted By: Joe S Re: whoops - 10/12/2006 01:59 PM
I think on this forum, we should wait and see how this unfolds first. Before we judge and start a witch hunt. That is just my two cents.

Thanks Joe Semen
Posted By: mike peters Re: whoops - 10/12/2006 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Rev.Mike:
I have always preferred this forum in the past as it is generally more civil. However this one seems to be dead or asleep at the moment.

Hi ya Rev !
I bet it's quiet here because ..some are probably hesitant to "get into it" after all the grief and in-fighting many of the Forums seem to have lately.
Also ..many are prob watching from the sidelines to see what happens. If Ken does end up Posting and gives an explanation that makes sense ...they don't want to burn any Bridges.
It doesn't really affect me because I never buy my Helmets from Dealers ...I stick with getting mine from Ma & Pa Kettle (Yard,Estate,Garage sales) slim pickins lately though..It does however make you wonder about how some Dealers feel about the Hobby and the members ..I know ...it's only a business to some and profit's the bottom line. Take off that chin strap and sell it on Ebay and you'll maximize your profit ..Buff that blade, polish the Medal ...add new Litzen or Boards on a Tunic ...who'll know ?
With the Internet today.....we'll know
You can't buy a reputation back
I hope it all get's sorted out
Posted By: Rev.Mike Re: whoops - 10/12/2006 02:49 PM
Joe & Mike,
I don't believe in "piling on" when someone is down. I was simply surprised to see such apparent lack of interest. I agree that we don't want to promote infighting either.
Some short time back I started selling off my very modest collection and am down to but a few helmets. I also prefer the odd local find and have not bought helmets from dealers. The internet has, as you note Mike, made it easier to keep things honest. It has also, unfortunately, made it easier to trash reputations. Let us hope that the current controversy ends well...
Posted By: mike peters Re: whoops - 10/12/2006 03:02 PM
I agree ...let's hope for the best
Posted By: greg -1 Re: whoops - 10/12/2006 07:49 PM
this only serves to bring to light what has gone on for ages,the only thing that saddens me is that kens deafening silence only compounds the trouble.i dont think ken will recover unless he makes a response.
as for kelly hicks nobody could say either way.i haven't heard anything bad about him so i would buy off of him if he had something for sale.ken should have listed in the helmet description the swapped liner but he didnt this is what this is all about.
from where im looking this is fraud but we do need ken to respond to this and claw back some of his reputation.
mike i dont know why its quiet on here but i must say i do spend more time on the other forum Roll Eyes
Posted By: Lee Moore Re: whoops - 10/12/2006 11:39 PM
I also spend a good amount of time at the �other forum� (as do many members here)I thought I would check here to see what has been said about this issue. Initially, I was also hoping for a good outcome, but the situation appears all too clear. I don�t think it is a �witch hunt� at all when it comes to Ken. It is simply a case of misrepresentation and deceit. Ken has not responded (although he has viewed the thread) because it is difficult to defend an indefensible position. I don�t think Kelly Hicks will, or should, be affected much directly. Some may have a guilt by association attitude, but I think Kelly was utilizing Ken�s website for the web sales exposure. He was always to be contacted directly for the sale of his items and he did his own COA�s (lets not get started on COA�s). I don�t know that there was that much of a close working relationship. It certainly won�t enhance his reputation, but I believe most people/collectors can judge him on his own merits and not on Ken�s obvious fraudulence. At least I hope�.

Posted By: mike peters Re: whoops - 10/13/2006 12:37 AM
That one guy "Charlie" ? who posted, sounded like he had a vested interest in the story ..made me wonder if he was Ken at first.
You'd think with all the customers Ken's had over the years ...someone would have at least called him to ask him straight out what's going on and why he hasn't explained his side of the story.
Doesn't look like he cares.
Posted By: Rev.Mike Re: whoops - 10/13/2006 01:17 AM
My thoughts as well, Mike. In fact now some are claiming that "Charly" on WAF is, in fact Ken N.!!! I haven't given up on Ken yet, but hope is fading as this drags on.
Posted By: mike peters Re: whoops - 10/13/2006 02:31 AM
So ...it looks like our "List" of "questionable" Dealers might be getting a new member.
I feel the issue here is a lot larger than this "Dealer" just changing Liners ..in our small community , something like this does serious damage . We should be able to Trust each other ..there should be -and IS a Code of Honor among both Collectors and Dealers ...it shouldn't be us against them.
Has profit now ruined another reputation ?
Posted By: Joe S Re: whoops - 10/13/2006 02:27 PM
Well. this is unfolding very bad. It sad to see that a hobby , where years ago you have few pops and talk about latest aquistion, And did not have to worry about it being played with. It is sad to see this hobby today go to a profit making business, where money is everything . Thanks Joe Semen
Posted By: paulbear Re: whoops - 10/13/2006 09:15 PM
Cmon Joe you're surprised . You are the most careful collector I know Big Grin Big Grin
Posted By: mech91 Re: whoops - 10/15/2006 08:30 PM
He's had his chance at defending himself, to no avail. He's done this before and squirmed out of it with a weak explaination, but this is indefensable. Money corrupts, and is corrupting this hobby. More than we probably know. I have (4) nice original helmets, and will be limiting any future purchases, and who I purchase from. Sad day in the collecting community.
Posted By: Dave Re: whoops - 10/15/2006 10:49 PM
I think it would be better if you went over to WAF and posted your opinions there.

Meanwhile, please do not insult others or use profanity to make your point.

Posted By: Tong2 Re: whoops - 10/16/2006 07:51 AM
"I think it would be better if you went over to WAF and posted your opinions there."

Why is that Dave? Is there some agenda to keep this issue from the members here? Fradulent activity warrants exposure regardless of our relationship to the perpetrator. Just my humble opinion.
Posted By: [email protected] Re: whoops - 10/16/2006 01:17 PM
Forum posts must be kept civil and must adhere to the posted Code of Conduct. Having said this I see no reason why this matter can not be discussed here. I have bought from Ken and can only hope that my purchase was authentic. He was a personable chap but it does appear as if the weight of evidence is against him in this matter. Together with the fact that he has full knowledge of the allegations against him and he has made no attempt to clear up anything on either forum. It is not for anyone to decide what a member will post in so far as it conforms to the posted code. Censorship of thought will be the death knell of this forum. cheers, Ryan
Posted By: Gaspare Re: whoops - 10/16/2006 01:34 PM
Any moderator making an edit on another's post does so for a reason. Read the post and you'll see Dave's reason :"do not insult others or use profanity to make your point".

Also, don't post links. They sometimes disappear from forum sites when things get hot. There are also some that cannot log onto other forums so cannot see the item in question..Post the photo of the item if you think it should also be discussed here.. If its from another site just give site/photo credit.
Posted By: greg -1 Re: whoops - 10/16/2006 06:54 PM
well looks like another thief taken of my favorites list.
days to respond to the evidence put to him but nothing.
watch out helmet collectors thier are scumbags out there Mad
Posted By: Tong2 Re: whoops - 10/16/2006 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Tong2:
"I think it would be better if you went over to WAF and posted your opinions there."

Why is that Dave? Is there some agenda to keep this issue from the members here? Fraudulent activity warrants exposure regardless of our relationship to the perpetrator. Just my humble opinion.
Posted By: Tong2 Re: whoops - 10/16/2006 07:05 PM
Oops sorry for the double post...I was just trying to correct my spelling of the word "fraudulent". Smile
Posted By: William R Matchett Re: whoops - 10/16/2006 10:27 PM
I doubt we'll hear from the member in question again. Quite sad.

Silent complicity.

Posted By: Dave Re: whoops - 10/17/2006 12:25 AM

No agenda at all. There seems to be an active discussion on WAF ... so that is the place to go and look and add your comments.

What I do not think is correct or fair is to post pointed opinions or conclusions here on GDC based on what is being discussed in depth on WAF. For those who cannot use the link above, they are out of context.

As for Mech91's post, sorry for not making myself clearer. I thought what I wrote below explained my actions. The reason it was edited was profanity.

Posted By: Chris M Re: whoops - 10/19/2006 03:48 AM
The only thing that's surprising is how many people are "surprised" Ken is swapping liners. What planet are these guys on? Ken has been known as the king of liner-swapping for decades. This is like being surprised to discover there are SUVs being driven on American highways. He must have swapped out or re-lined 10,000 helmets by now.

What I wonder is how many guys will actually permanently boycott this dealer, and how many will snivel back in a month or two, so they don't cut themselves off from a source. How many of you boycott a dealer who is known for chicanery, and how many of you decide to just be "careful"? Until you all start boycotting the bastards and the crooks, it's not going to get any better. We have the hobby and the dealers we deserve.
Posted By: mech91 Re: whoops - 10/19/2006 09:58 PM
Originally posted by Dave Hohaus:
I think it would be better if you went over to WAF and posted your opinions there.

Meanwhile, please do not insult others or use profanity to make your point.

This is not an issue of forums, but an issue of the status of this hobby and fooling with history. The dealer in question now has everyone (?) second quessing thier purchases as most of us know, he has sold on his web site helmets that were not "one lookers", but because of his reputation were sold anyway for big bucks. He's not the only dealer suspect.
Posted By: mech91 Re: whoops - 10/19/2006 10:10 PM
Just thought I'd let everyone know, rebending split pins to thier original condition is hyper-easy, and you cannot tell even with a magnifying glass. No tool marks, and all oxidation left intact. Ask Ken.
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