needs some opinions from the "Alten Stahlhelm Kameraden". There is a place in Georgia (the one in the USA), they sell "refurbished" german Helmets. They swear that they are original but "restored". Please dont bad mouth them on the forum...just send your opinions to me...my e-mail is [email protected]. They look very nice...flashy...and nice to look at...also we are usually talking about a $495.00 price tag. Have they ever been discussed on the forum?

Oh one more thing...our own "Lakeside trader" has a SS helmet with post war decals on it...his own description...he has it priced at $575.00 I think...he says it is good other than the decals...would that helmet without decals not be worth at least that?

Thanx for any answers you provide...I will drink a beer out of my german beer bong on you...thank you very much...Roland. NOT a helmet guy is Big Grin
Does the place in GA have a web site? I would be interested to see what they are selling...
Hello Rev.! Long time no see...they go by Third Reich refurbished helmets, or just google SS Helmet and it shows up on the second page.

My son got married at Myrtle Beach may 27th I think it was...almost was tempted to come by your church and say hello...last moment I didnt want to embarras you wearing my german beer bong...so we went to South Point in N.C. instead...forgot the name of the Church allready...what stands out still...they had a guy with guitar sing "How great thou art"...and if you closed your eyes you could hear Elvis and the angles...my wife says I am an idiot...yes I am...but NOT a german helmet collector is...smile...good to see you Reverend.
You should have come by Roland. Our little Church is on Sullivan's Island less than 100 yards from Fort Moultrie. In fact, the chuch building is largely constructed of rubble from the Federal bombardment of the old brick masonry fort. If I were to take a short walk down to the water's edge I can get a very clear view of Fort Sumter where all of the late unpleasantness began, and beyond is Morris Island which anyone who saw the movie "Glory" will remember. History is all around us here....There is even a sunken U-Boat off the coast and we are about 15 miles from a POW camp site from WWII...
OK I found the web site. All I can say is that these repros are very well executed. In fact they are designed to deceive. Some would say they are a reasonably priced alternative to an original. Others would prefer to save up for the real thing.The hobby is in trouble anyway and we don't need anymore "helmet Michaelangelos" out there to burn newcomers and casual collectors. I know the folks behind this web site are clearly selling these as refurbished helmets, but once they get out into the hands of others they will inevitably be resold at some point as original items.
thank you very much for your advise Mike...I felt pretty much the same as you...however since I am a newbie at this I wanted to hear what the more experienced helmet collectors felt...your opinion is very valuable to me...and even though they have eye appeal...I would rather not encourage this sort of thing...I will wait until the real thing comes along...thank you again Mike...you are a Saint.

also thank you for telling me were you are located...been there years ago when the children were little and we had to do the "FT. Sumter", Charleston, Myrtle Beach and Outer Banks thing...as you might know...my younger son Nick is stationed in Wilmington, N.C. with the Coast Guard and Eric is at Ft. Jackson in S.C...I love to go down there and feed the Alligators at Orton Plantation...but Mrs. Scheck gets mad at me when I try to make them perform for me...she claims because of my one leggedness that I am a sitting duck...the exact opposite is true...they dont like wood or plastic...sorry for my chatyness Mike...thanx again for your experteese...Roland.
Not an expert Roland, simply an informed amateur. I would look at this in a manner similar to steins. Old regimentals are very collectible and command good prices. That's why there are repros which, while they look good from 10 feet away cannot compare with an original. In any case the helmet fakers have gotten so good, and the scandals in the community so depressing, that I have simply stopped collecting actively. Sure I may pick up the odd piece here and there, but I no longer go after them with the same enthusiasm I once did. I have sold off almost all of my puppies now and only have left a nice M16, 2 M40 heer SD's and my "controversial" SD M42 SS. All of these I hope eventually to pass on to a younger collector. We are simply custodians for a brief time. Now that I have hit the big 60 years of age, I see a shiney red, rebuilt MGB in my future. I guess I better sell everything else I have too! Come see an old man some time!!
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