Posted By: eric seat luft helmet fake? - 01/31/2006 04:49 PM
I posted a pic of 3 helmets on here a while back and they were all determined to be fake decals.Well i took the luft one to the gunshow and 2 helmet collectors who have large collections looked at it and said it was good.One of them bought it,boy there are some dumd ass helmet collectors out there arent there?Anyway i wont buy another german helmet,too many fakes,there is a guy out east putting original decals on original helmets i heard,a little ageing and you would NEVER know it.Buying a helmet these days is just too risky,and they are the hardest item of militaria to sell,most people are afaid to buy them.Believe me i know!!!
Posted By: Adam Kirchen Re: luft helmet fake? - 01/31/2006 04:57 PM
Yes but I will still buy and you even do have to be careful when buying from veterans because it is very possible that they could had pick up a repro in the last 60+ year we don't know, but what you love to see is a footlocker with the stuff buried in it, the smell the look would be almost to much to replicate you can tell most the time when you don't have to second guess an item IMO. But opinion are like you know what so be vigilent and look careful as there is real ones around probably more then you think.. And as far as the gun show dealers I don't doubt they thought that it was real I could show an RZM Army dagger(Fake) too alot of them and could probably sell as that if I was like that.. I find that of all areas of collecting daggers is the easiest to learn by far, the rest takes vigilents and patents!!
Posted By: eric seat Re: luft helmet fake? - 02/01/2006 02:19 AM
Adam,It is just hard for me to believe that these 2 helmet collectors and a dealer that has been selling this stuff for 40+ years all said the helmet looked good,does that mean half of their collections are fakes? It must if they cant tell a good decal from a bad.Man you are talking about many thousands of dollars worth of fake helmets .Iam not so sure that helmet was a fake but like you say everyone has an opinion and iam entitled to mine,just because these guys were at a "gunshow" dosent brand them as stupid fools ,i have met some sharp well informed collectors at gunshows.
Posted By: Adam Kirchen Re: luft helmet fake? - 02/01/2006 02:36 AM
That could be the flip side of the coin, they seen it in person we see everything on a computer screen any opinion that is given here should be tooken with a grain of salt, I am sorry to imply that everyone at gun shows lack knowledge, as we all know that is not true but a vast majority of the dealers at them are in the stone age as far as collecting is conserned that is my opinion from what I have noticed over the many many gun show I have attended, were old knowledge is News!! All I know is be vigilant and do the research, that is all I can do. Wink
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