Posted By: david walsh ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 05:00 AM
saw an army dagg at a shop recently with a fish logo in an oval parallel to the blade; it was XXX-Werke but hard to make out 'coz it was a bit dark inside and the complete strike was hard to make out - tho the fish was clear enuf.

the blade was plated like you sometimes see on klass armies (and even klass M33 ss).

can anyone place this on the desirability scale?
condition was very nice overall with just a little missing silver and only light wear on the blade. no hangers or knot. he wants $550

thanks and here's to a better '09 for us all!
Posted By: Degens Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 11:17 AM
Joseph Hack ( Hack Werke ) and its as rare as they come. I would love to see pictures and if in reasonable condition a bargain at that price Smile.
Posted By: david walsh Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 03:40 PM
thanks degens this is fine news!

B U T - have these been faked? I mean stamping an un-marked blade with rare marks?

as I'd said the strike seemed uneven. (maybe 'coz they had to go into the nickle plating??)

and for that matter, did Hack only use these plated blades? if so that would give a little peace on mind....

yeah - I guessed the dagg was a bit scarce when I saw no example on the reference page!

again, cheers & best,

Posted By: Seiler Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 04:42 PM
If I remember rightly Hack was in Austria.
I had a superb RZM SA by them ....once!
Seiler Frown
Posted By: david walsh Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 06:34 PM
thanks seiler.

may '09 bless you with another!

again, as to scarcity: my wittmann army book doesn't show a hack -- or even mention this maker among the "ultra-rares"!

what's a fair price range for these things? or are they even too rare for a baseline value?
Posted By: hans51 Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 06:39 PM
They don't come any rarer. Hard to put a value on it, but it would be well over 1K.
Posted By: JohnZ Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 06:40 PM

I am more of a Luft2 guy than an army guy (maybe an army collector will correct me here), but I would say the pricing on something like this would be 30-50% of a premium above that of a similar condition scarce maker or 50-70% above that of a common maker. At least, that is what I would look at for rare and very rare Luft2 maker marks.

Posted By: DONS Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 09:17 PM
Hack did produce Army & 2nd Lufts but they are very rare. Maker mark stampings are generally off center or poor strikings. Blades have heavy nickel plate. For $550, buy it now.
Posted By: WW2-Collector Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 10:32 PM
I would take it for $550 Smile I have only seen one other offered for sale and Wittmann had it.
Posted By: WW2-Collector Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 10:33 PM
I would suspect a generic guard on this one maybe nickle plated.
Posted By: WW2-Collector Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 12/31/2008 11:04 PM
For your archives guys. This is of a 2nd luft will be the same on the army. Blade is nickel plated.

Attached picture josef_hack_2.jpg
Posted By: david walsh Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 01/01/2009 12:21 AM
thanks to all for the candid assessments and help.
TW confirms he's only had one in 15 years.
again, mine has the nickel-plated blade. (nice 2nd luft by the way!)
well it's a looong drive to get the thing but
"I'm there!"

Posted By: david walsh Re: ARMY DAGGER - FISH LOGO - 01/01/2009 12:26 AM
... and assuming I luck out and it's still there, will photog it and make y'all drool ;-)

incidentally, TW again proved himself a straight-ahead class guy in my chat with him about the Hack. and of course groused about how long the SA book's taking him... speaking of which it seems at least a few SA Hacks are out there.
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