Posted By: spacey 3 Heer Daggers - - - which one is the coolest??? - 07/31/2012 07:04 AM
I have only one dagger reference book and it does not go into the different types of eagles on Heer Daggers (chronology, type)???

If these were approximately in the same price range (theoretically)...what would you guys think is the best? Dagger-wise, not so much the portapee/hangers.

It looks to me like there are three different types of eagles? I thought there were only two types (A and B)?




Let the battle royale begin!!!
Spacey, there are a lot more different types of eagles than three. You could check http://www.wardaggers.com/Crossguard_Reference.htm. I would also reccomend the T.Wittman book on army daggers.
To be able to tell which dagger is the most desireable, certainly more detailed pictures are needed. Especially pictures of the blades and makermarks.

1. - Carl Eickhorn 3. type
2. - Carl Eickhorn 4. type
3. - generic B

Sincerely respect
Vedran H.
OK, you're right there were a couple more pics for each. #1 and #2 are Eickhorn, I haven't seen a handle like on #2 before. #3 is not available any more but was a Spitzer.







All are sold now. Not much input here was there?
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