Posted By: LEE COUSENS My 2 Heer purchases - 09/07/2010 06:00 PM
Hi all, i have really got the bug for dagger collecting, i can see my bayonet collection giving way.
Just bought this Heer dagger unmarked,could anyone say which company may have made it?
Just couldnt resist the Eickhorn bag just need a mint dagger to go with it.

Posted By: Rhys Re: My 2 Heer purchases - 09/07/2010 06:59 PM
Congratulations on a very nice heer dagger (my favourites). It's easy to get hooked on these as you are finding out...

It appears to have generic fittings throughout, including the pommel and ferrule (a 7 leaf type with nickel plating).
The crossguard is in great condition and is the "generic A type" used by many of the makers. The single throat screw scabbard was also used by several companies. The build of the dagger is nicely consistent with a lovely grip, but not easy to pinpoint to a maker.

Good hunting!
Posted By: the russian Re: My 2 Heer purchases - 09/07/2010 07:43 PM
What a nice dagger !!!! What camera did you use for your pictures ?
Posted By: wotan Re: My 2 Heer purchases - 09/07/2010 10:57 PM
Unfortunately the bag is a well known fake.
Posted By: LEE COUSENS Re: My 2 Heer purchases - 09/08/2010 05:04 PM
Whats the story with the Eickhorn bags, as a new collector to German daggers what chance have i got , how can i avoid waisting my money?
Posted By: Rhys Re: My 2 Heer purchases - 09/08/2010 06:31 PM
I have seen the Eickhorn bags sold openly as copies for about a fiver each on line - the condition on yours was perhaps a bit too minty after 70 odd years.

Unfortunately there are too many people around who will try and flog you copies of anything. It takes time, lots of researching in books and online and use forums like this for a thumbs up or down before you buy. I am grateful for all the help I have received on this forum. But don't expect everyone to think the same way as you about your latest dream purchase! If you ask for opinions then be prepared for the bad with the good. Some people who just like to rain on your parade - the "not for me" comments without any justification or explanation just help to make your day!

Handle as many originals as you can and then gradually build up your trusted collector/dealer circle and stay away from ebay.
Posted By: Grumpy Re: My 2 Heer purchases - 09/08/2010 07:24 PM
Rhys gives excellent advice. Unfortunately, there are many predators out there who have wormed their way into this hobby, either directly or indirectly. Always approach a purchase with caution. Knowledge is indeed power. It and experience take time to accumulate. Buy from reputable dealers and collectors until you are comfortable with your own judgment. Buy only from those who allow a return privilege. Get acquainted with others in the hobby who are knowledgeable and reliable. Seek their advice and approval. As Rys states, display photos and descriptions here before you buy or during the grace period for returning an item. You have acquired a nice original dagger. Don't be discouraged about the bag. Most in the hobby have made similar mistakes, especially early on. All things considered, the damage could have been much worse.
Posted By: seany Re: My 2 Heer purchases - 09/08/2010 11:42 PM
Lee all i can say is BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS
good books are worth their weight in gold, you can learn so much from them
Nice dagger you got there so all is not lost
Posted By: wotan Re: My 2 Heer purchases - 09/09/2010 12:18 AM
Sorry, as the bag is such a well known fake and to my best knowledge there was NEVER such a printing on a period one and the paper also differs significant with that of period bags I know, I did not "explain" why it is a fake.
If you are interested in seeing true period bags see the thread "unworn ones".
Period bags with the edged weapons they were truely containing since pre may 45 until now are extremely rare, are sought after and have nearly no price. You have to have a lot of experience with printing and papers and naturally other rare bagged exaples if you want to step in this field of collecting.
Posted By: LEE COUSENS Re: My 2 Heer purchases - 09/10/2010 11:06 AM
Thanks for all your help the bag has been returned
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