Posted By: Craig Gottlieb Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/26/2009 03:36 PM
Did you guys see this (the auction is on germanmilitariacollectibles.com, listing number F17143).

Please note and understand that POR as well the lacking Price means {Price On Request} Thats why NO Price is listed.

Perhap I was not clear, so let me make it crystal clear What this package consist of is everything you see, Nothing will be broken out of the package. You get it all, that inplys that the collar tabs are not going to be sold by themselfs, nor the Iron Cross's nor any item. There are about 20 items in total. Thank you all so far for your questions.

For anyone who is a real collector, this presents an opportunity of a lifetime to acquire a real treasure from this era. Here are a number of items I have acquired over the years, {many from Mr. Rall} himself, a few that are like items to what he would have worn. General Gunther Rall passed on as of 10 -4 2009. I met Mr. Rall in person a few times, once was in the 1960's, again in the 1970's. I have owned this dagger for 48 years now.

Please if your a tire kicker don't waste my time, life is to short for the BS.

For you that are interested and can afford a 6 figure price tag, Please by all means feel free to contact me. I will forward you a wealth of information in detailed pictures of each of the items. As to when and how I acquired them. Markings, All the details on the dagger etc.. For a True collector this is an instant collection of the CREAM of the Crop.

{{ Please also note }} that This dagger was in my 1st Place Award Winning Display at the Max show in 1993, thus it has been VETTED by the best in the Hobby. At that show Mr. Bob Weits wanted to buy this dagger as well a few others I owned, I passed on his offer, even though his offer was nearly what I am asking now, please note his offer was 16 years ago for the dagger only.


****** PLEASE NOTE: ***********************************************************

** The pictures posted here are the intellectual property of Bruce R. Petrin. They are not for reproduction for ANY reason Without my :expressed written permission. If its found that such a violation has been committed I will seek full prosecution to whom ever dose so. This will be to the fullest extent of the law, to also include: all cost to include Legal fees, Court Cost, Libel as well any and all other issues. Plus all damages.
Posted By: Craig Gottlieb Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/26/2009 03:38 PM
Bruce says he's owned the group for 48 years now, but he's 54 years old according to whitepages.com. I guess he's been collecting High Dollar Third Reich memorabilia since he was 6 - not bad.
Posted By: Eric Wien Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/26/2009 04:26 PM
Yea i seen that also my first thought was Bull and second was why no price humm. I hate that even on the dealers sites, if your listing something why not put a price on it at least a guy would know if it's within their price range without waisting he's time inquiring about it.
Posted By: Serge (aka Wagner) Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/26/2009 04:37 PM
Well it seems then the value hasn't gone up much in 16 years...or Bruce should have sold it then to Bob Waits who was known for overpaying.

Posted By: cog-hammer Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/26/2009 04:56 PM
You 2 guys still bangin heads huh?
Bret Van Sant
Posted By: Roy Carroll Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/26/2009 05:01 PM
He does seem a bit eccentric but if this was the grouping he won an award for at the max show i'd have to say its probably the real deal, as far as an asking price cmon Craig i have scene you ask in the 70,000's for a piece or two
Posted By: Craig Gottlieb Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/26/2009 05:23 PM
Actually, I emailed Tom Johnson for clarification on that. The way the advert is written, it seems that he did indeed win a prize for the dagger. Lets wait and see. And Roy: you miss the point - there is nothing wrong with high asking prices, including this dagger if it's the real deal.
Posted By: SSman Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/26/2009 06:16 PM
I have checked out Craigs site a few times. Some of his items are spendy but are rare and well worth the asking price.
Posted By: Mikee Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/27/2009 05:35 AM
I guess it's a matter of opinion and taste. There�s nothing wrong with asking higher than normal prices. There are probably many reasons why they�re so high, that�s the owners business and I can only speculate but would rather not. It's his stuff so one can ask what one wants and can run ones business as one sees fit and if one wants to attract the higher income bracket, then that�s ones business as well. I don�t know if that�s even the case, but at the end of the day for me anyway it is what it is; �high asking prices� period, so I move on and go elsewhere. From his response to Roy, it�s seems it�s no big deal, so ones business must be good.

But IMO, most everything is extremely and outrageously over priced on that site. I feel insulted when a business states they�re passing a savings on to the customer, sorry I just don't buy it. It's a business and that's the bottom line! That's the way business is done, I understand it, doesn�t mean I accept it. We all have a choice to purchase or not and some of us look for the best possible price, dealer and collector alike. It�s always going to be what the �customer� is financially willing to accept. And for the most part I just don�t believe I�m getting the best possible price from that site. To each his own and this isn�t meant to offend anyone, collector or dealer; it�s my way of doing business no matter what my income bracket might be, I tend to keep to a fine set of rules. Doesn�t work for everyone.
Posted By: Eric Wien Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/27/2009 02:15 PM
I stand corrected about "bull" and agree with Mikee but you got to admit some dealers have some rare and nice stuff.
I for one think of how much in gold i could buy at least i would know it will go up in value reguardless of what the economy is doing.

Posted By: Landser Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/28/2009 12:05 PM
Any prospective buyer would certainly want some irrefutable provenance however if we assume that those items attributed to Rall are genuine then it would command a high value. Having said that the value of any item is only what someone is prepared to pay for it. No financially astute person would pay a Six figure sum unless it could be regarded as disposable income for you would never see a return on it. German militaria has been hyped over the last decade & is currently priced well above the true market value.
Posted By: Swordfish Re: Gunter Rall Dagger - 12/30/2009 12:19 AM
What peaks my concern is that it comes up for sale after Rall passed away...no way to contact the alleged owner for prov. verification.

I recall a couple of years back when someone on WAF posted a fliegerschwert he claimed he obtained directly from Rall in recent times.

Price wise? Whatever the market will bare. Ther are high dollar collectors out there who go for such things. Remember, Rall was ace #3.

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