Posted By: Anonymous Possibly earliest Heer dagger dedication? - 07/07/2008 11:17 AM
Photo from Mr Maderer�s site

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Well, considering that the official decree for the availability of Heer officer daggers was issued in May 1935 (On 4 May 1935 the Heer Inspektion der Infanterie at the Allgemeines Heeresamt order regaring the "Kurze Offizierseitenwaffe" short officer side weapon)and that the same decree mentioned they would be available for purchase from June 1935... This one has to be among the earliest daggers bought, let alone dedicated in this fashion!

I came close to going for it.... but at this price I will pass Eek (Darn, I�ve just given Mr. Maderer some ammo for defending a high price! Frown
Posted By: Landser Re: Possibly earliest Heer dagger dedication? - 07/07/2008 12:27 PM
Nice early all second type fittings. I have an identical dagger. Certainly it is interesting to see that Eickhorn had moved from the 1st type fitting & slant grip quite so early.

I have to wonder if some manufacturer`s had started production earlier than the "official" date.

I estimate that something in the region of $1600 (possibly more)has been added for the dedication Eek

I don`t think so unless there were some interesting if not significant history that could be attached to the original owner.

Other than that it is somewhat over-priced even with a research file IMHO.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Possibly earliest Heer dagger dedication? - 07/07/2008 02:02 PM
yeah, well, the inscription is not a straighforward one. The first line is the standard formula for dedications from a unit to their commander ("to their Oberleutnant x", normally signed by the uinit in question), but the second line is puzzling.

In any case this Oblt is probably the one listed as Hauptmann in the 1939 Das Deutsche Heer
Gustavo, While the abbreviations are standard ones, the second line does seem to be a little puzzling. But I�m going to make a guess that the Lieutenant was in charge of a training platoon for �Reserve� officers. With (very much like the U.S.) there being a system where officers were either �Regular� Army officers or �Reserve� officers. With �Reserve� officers (who in the German Army were usually from the ranks) in their second year themselves receiving special training for example in platoon leadership (etc). And being designated �Reserve Officers� upon completion of their training. (I don�t know if that kind of an explanation would �bump� the price up or not. But (IMO at least) don�t think a training unit has the same cachet as a combat unit.) Best Regards, FP
Posted By: Anonymous Re: Possibly earliest Heer dagger dedication? - 07/13/2008 05:24 PM
Fred your hypothesis is a sound one I think.

In my opinion the only thing that justifies a high price is the early date of the dedication matching the early fittings. Average current market value of about $1,500 perhaps?
Posted By: vesuvio Re: Possibly earliest Heer dagger dedication? - 07/18/2008 02:33 PM
Different maker, but same period

Attached picture Rahner_003.JPG
Posted By: vesuvio Re: Possibly earliest Heer dagger dedication? - 07/18/2008 02:33 PM

Attached picture Rahner_002.JPG
Posted By: vesuvio Re: Possibly earliest Heer dagger dedication? - 07/18/2008 02:35 PM

Attached picture Rahner_004.JPG
Posted By: vesuvio Re: Possibly earliest Heer dagger dedication? - 07/18/2008 02:37 PM

Attached picture Rahner_001.JPG
This one has it all going for it. Eek

Personalized, Documented, Slant grip.. Just great.

Thanks for showing this beauty vesuvio. Smile

Posted By: Anonymous Re: Possibly earliest Heer dagger dedication? - 07/18/2008 06:55 PM
very very nice Vesuvio

I would love to hear how Hptm. Rahner was identified
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