OK, now the real story. These photos were taken in the in the early 60's by an acquaintance of mine with a Polaroid camera. This is a photo of his neighbor (who fit in the uniform) taken by the owner. The owner got this and other German items from his next door neighbor, a WW2 Vet. He was a kid and they used to dress up in this stuff. He told me it was complete right from head to toe including the shirt, tie and the sword. Flash forward to 1968 and he is in the Army getting ready to ship out to Vietnam and the Ft. Benning museum historian talks him out of the uniform to put on display. He is still a kid and gives it to the officer.

Here is the question....Has anyone seen this uniform at the museum? If not, where? As you note, it is a priceless setup and the previous owner is curious.

Attached picture SS_uniform.jpg
One more photo

Attached picture SS_uniform1.jpg
I'm not so sure that it looks period Jeff, even from the old photo, the insignia deviate dramatically from what originals are known to look like.
Originally posted by JR:
I'm not so sure that it looks period Jeff, even from the old photo, the insignia deviate dramatically from what originals are known to look like.
what's not orignal about the insignia on this tunic
Thanks JR - Neither the Vet nor the acquaintance dabbled in militaria as far as I know. The Vet died 3 years ago, but I have seen the other items that came from him and all were original. I tend to believe this is authentic and his story is correct. What insignia looks incorrect?

I suspect this tunic went out the back door of the museum in 1968.
There is not much to say about it from these pictues.

But please check out the photo, what is wrong with these tabs? Oh, yes the collar tabs are on the wrong sides.
Thanks Robert - I see that. Hmmmmmmm.....this interesting. Wish the Vet was alive to ask. I know the answer is the Vet went out and bought a full SS reproduction uniform, so he could walk around the house in it. But that does not make a whole lot of sense, given my experience with Vets. This guy is pretty clueless on German militaria and not much help in answering that.

The tunic and trousers were rather small, he could not wear at the age of 16 when he got the militaria in 1963.

Back to my question.....Has anyone seen this at the Ft. Benning (Infantry) museum?
I have been in this TR collecting ""business" for over 40 years now, and i can tell you that i have seen more fake junk in WW2 vet collections, have sold more fake and repros to WW2 vets( so they can ""pass them off as their own ""captured"" pieces, and have been to so many countless shows where these vets set up tables, and a lot on all the tables are pure and simple 'crapola Why do so many new collectors believe that these vets are 100% honest? The age? The so called "lifetime
of living,? so ''there is no way they would, or could lie?
Repros have been around since post war.... period!!!
I hear you. That is wild that such a complete fabrication of uniform head to toe was made in at least before 1963. Remember, this kid (at the time) did not pay a penny for the uniform, so no rip-off happened at least until he donated to the Ft. Benning Museum. That does make it odd though, doesn't it?
Hi Guys,
yes, this uniform is still at the Fort Benning Museum, I was there when my Son went into Jump School, I pulled this photo off the web site, but I remember telling my Son, there was something wrong with that uniform, just could not put my finger on it, I was like a kid in a candy school with all the great pieces at the Museum. this is how the uniform is described
Political Uniform of a Colonel of the "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" Unit.

Badge, Party, German, Nazi
Arm Band, SS, Officer, German
Coat, SS, German
Hat, SS, German
Trousers, SS, German

I also saw more than one German Reproduction in the Museum, I saw repro daggers, and some of the badges were repro too.
Thanks! That is it. Do you have a link to the uniform photo?

I talked to the man and he got the uniform when he was 14 years old (1961) and does recall messing with it as a boy. He says it has a label inside the cap and tunic with the German's name. I mentioned the collar tabs and he said it was possible he screwed with them.

He said the Vet would not have bought or had a reason to get a repro and was pretty much certain that it like the WW2 items (which I have seen) are original.

Other than the tabs being set wrong, what do you see as a RED FLAG?
Hi Jeff,
it was almost four years ago, that I was at Benning, don't remember much about it. I did take some photos I believe of this uniform, I just have to find them, I'll look later today.
Here is the link, maybe you could contact someone at the museum for better photos or information. Benning Museum
ok guys...what am I missing here?I see nothing wrong with those tabs as far as application is concerned...what am I missing?"Wrong sides"...I dont understand what is meant by that.From what I see they simply look like standartenfuhrer tabs...I am not sure what side they should be on ...if that isnt correct.? Confused
ha ha ,excellent! Jeff, when you first posted this topic I thought its gone, and or no one will find the thing.. Aahh the far reaches of the internet,,there it is!
You are missing nothing. I correct my self, some period pictures show Standartenf�hrer tabs just in a litte bit a different angle from the leafe, tab position. So these tabs have the right place. Maybe it is an original nice untouched tunic maybe not, but impossible to judge from this position. Who will call the museum now Big Grin
Maybe it belonged to this guy....

Big Grin

Attached picture photoHochstetterSmall.gif
Come on Guys,
I did my part Wink I'm still looking for the photos I took of this uniform when I was there, just don't know where I've got them stowed. I'm sure the people at the Museum would be glad to help answer some questions, they were a good lot when I was there, and I asked plenty of questions, which they answered.
You did real good Kevin Smile

I talked to the Vet and he is happy. He knows the uniform is original and remembers the Vet telling him how he got it. But, that was so long ago, and because he was just a kid, he does not remember the details.

All he wants is credit from the museum for donating it. I gave him the information and the ball is in his court.
Hi Jeff,
That would be outstanding for the Vet to get credit from the museum. I'm glad I could help,
that's what this hobby is all about.
If real that vet donated about $50,000.00 or more if named. cheers, Ryan
Let's be happy it is displayed!! So many donated items wind up in a box rotting in a back storage room or windup going out the backdoor. Cool
Let's be happy it is displayed!!

And unless the Museum has installed the hard to find protective UV shields covering the florescent light bulbs it�s just fading away. They might just as well display it in sunlight.......
He still might be eligible for a tax credit for the donation..that would come in handy!

Your right though, after seeing all the high end items disappear from the Canadian war museum, i would never donate anything to an institution..it will either rot, never see the light of day or be back doored..that is the truth..

When people working in collections are making under 40k a year, a chance to make some extra coin on the side is just too tempting..
I am just happy this is a good news story. It is pretty wild seeing a photo of a kid from 1963 and then the same uniform in a museum case.

Reference the light bulbs. It's been there for 40 years now, and based on the photo, looks well cared for. Every Army museum I have visited (like the 82nd Abn museum at Bragg) goes to great lengths to preserve the items.
was the uniform on loan or did he full out donate it? I wanted to LOAN our local Holocaust Museum a neat Polizei display along with some original Flossenburg, Sachsenhausen and Dutch antisemetic items.

As the curator and I were talking, a pretty young musuem guide came by the table where my items were sitting "Oh wow!" she said. Then the curator said "Look at these items this young man is donating" "NO, they will be on loan" I said. He mumbled something like "Oh, you say that now, but..."

I gathered everything up and left quickly. It's a shame too, I really wanted to help out and set up a display. Since then I have heard many horror stories about missing or stolen items that were on LOAN. I will never again attempt to loan out my collection.

Good luck to your friend.

I say tell him to get it back...the proof is in the pics of him wearing it.
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