Posted By: Pitbull63 Some new medals - 05/27/2012 12:38 AM

Just picked these up and I'm having a hard time identifying them. They're stamped tin with nothing on the back. Any help would be appreciated.


Posted By: derjager Re: Some new medals - 05/27/2012 12:49 AM
Quick answer, they are day/event badges, (tinnies). Each refers to the town or group and year.

One of our collectors more informed on tinnies must come in to tell you what event they were for.

Posted By: Krullies Re: Some new medals - 06/01/2012 01:24 PM
Hey Pitbull, those are real nice!!! Tinnies are fun, also expensive, but sometimes for reasonable price you can find a nice one. Every tinnie tells so much, about the event its for, or the organisation or group, that took part in the event, and so on. Also, looking into makers and stuf, is awesome. You have some nice'uns here!!!

The left, is a Stahlehelm tinnie. So, you could check out what that organisation is. Hint; its a nationalist WWI-veteran group. Surely the forum has info on this. What an awesome Gauwappen on it!!! Here is one of mine .. The letters say RFST, that means "Reichs Frontsoldaten Tag", now you know what the date means too. The other, is for an SA event, for Gruppe Hochland. A little piece of Edelwei� behind the logo, nice. Find a bit about Hochland here. Edelwei� here.

So, have fun with looking into these tinnies more!!!
Posted By: seany Re: Some new medals - 06/01/2012 10:09 PM
I like the SA one its pretty cool
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