Posted By: paulj Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 06:05 PM
This is a studio portrait of Rolf Bergmann, NCO in Grossdeutschland Regt. Fuhrerhauptquartier. I believe he was Schmudt's personal driver.

It came with a grouping of his photos and documents. Included in this photo is his special identity card for the Chancellory.

In the grouping there is a small portrait of Schmudt taken from an identity card of some sort as well as two private letters from Schmudt to Bergmann from Schmudt sent while he was serving on the Russian front where he was killed in 1942.

Among the photos are numerous Hoffmann group shots showing early war inspections of battle areas in France and Poland by Hitler with his staff. Bergmann is clearly seen in them as is Schmudt.

Attached picture bergmann7.JPG
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 06:21 PM
Chancellory Identity Card

Attached picture bergmann4.jpg
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 06:56 PM
Hoffmann photo and Schmundt photo. Bergmann is the tall figure with goggles in the back.

Attached picture bergmann6.jpg
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 07:16 PM
Fuhrerhauptquartier issued KVK 2 doc and posthumous Iron Cross

Attached picture Bergmann_007.JPG
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 07:18 PM
Rommel signed Prague Bar Document

Attached picture Bergmann003.JPG
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 07:22 PM
Schmundt signed letter on Chefadjutant stationary

Attached picture Bergmann_010.JPG
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 07:25 PM
Letter that accompanied the posthumous Iron Cross award with reference to the recommendation for the award by GD commander Hoernlein.

Attached picture Bergmann_016.JPG
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 07:26 PM
KIA Document 1942

Attached picture Bergmann_008.JPG
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 07:29 PM
portrait detail showing GD and FHQ sleevebands

Attached picture bergmann3.jpg
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 07:58 PM
Permit to wear a Yugoslavian Gold Service Medal with Berlin locale struck out and Berchtesgaden correction

Attached picture Bergmann020.JPG
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 08:02 PM
Detail Permit to wear a Yugoslavian award with Berlin locale struck out and Berchtesgaden correction

Attached picture Bergmann021.JPG
Posted By: Dean Perdue Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 08:07 PM
Real nice grouping especially the Rommel and Hitler signed documents and the Chancellory ID card.
Do you know who signed the KIA document?
Where did you manage to find this?
Thanks for showing it.
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 08:31 PM
Thanks, I got the grouping in the 1980's in Germany from a dealer who acquired it from the family.

The KIA document issued June 22, 1943 (Bergmann was KIA, Oct. 14, 1941) is signed by an Oberleutnant von K??? and I'm sure someone could research the name. The unit is 8. company, Grenadier Rgt Grossdeutschland.

There's a number of other documents of award, another Schmundt signed letter and lots of photos in addition to the ones shown as well as a few documents from the man's brothers, one of whom also served in GD.

That brother, Gerd Bergmann, served in Stab V of Inf. Regt Grossdeutschland. His documents include an Iron Cross 2nd Class signed on Feb.11, 1942 by Hoernlein as Colonel and Rgt. Commander.

Here's another photo showing Bergmann on the left with other Fuhrerhauptquartier drivers and security detail.

Attached picture Bergmann014.JPG
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/27/2008 09:22 PM
Memel Annexation Medal Document

Attached picture bergmann009.JPG
Posted By: Dean Perdue Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/28/2008 02:12 AM
Have you attempted a research project and
does the Iron Cross recommendation give a detailed account for his actions?
Posted By: Robert H. Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/28/2008 02:59 AM
Very nice group, the large GD photo is just superb!
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/28/2008 06:19 PM
I've done some limited research on the grouping.

At the time of Rolf Bergmann's death in mid-October 1941, Regt GC was fighting in the area around Briansk. The recommendation letter for the Iron Cross does not mention a specific action but I found the website below that gives some additional details.

Here's some info from http://members.shaw.ca/grossdeutschland/russia.htm

"Grossdeutschland was ordered east of Briansk to contain any attempts by the Red Army to escape the encirclement there. The terrain was thickly forested; beginning on 11 October the regiment fought many desperate battles in the woods; much snow had fallen by this point in time. A massive battle at Karachev was fought on 14 and 15 October, and the two encirclement battles were completed by 19 October. GD meanwhile rested and refitted in Orel between 17 and 19 October."

The KIA date is Oct 14, 1941 so that relates directly to the reference to the "massive battle" at Karachev.

Right now my main goal is to establish if Rolf Bergmann was, in fact, Schmundt's driver before being transfered to the front. My premise is based on the numerous photos with in which both persons appear, personal correspondence from Schmundt and photo of Schmundt that was apparently given to Bergmann as a momento.
Posted By: Dow Cross Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 08/28/2008 10:27 PM
Good stuff you have here. Correct me if I'm wrong but I belive the Grossdeutschland saw service only in the East. One of the best books I ever read was The Forgotton Soldier by Guy Sajer who was with the Gross deutschland.
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 09/04/2008 08:17 PM
Right GD was involved on the Eastern Front only.
Posted By: Mr. Jerry Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 09/06/2008 03:15 AM
I thought GD was involved in the early stages of invasion of France too.
Posted By: paulj Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 09/07/2008 02:30 PM
Right Jerry, I was going on a later history. Here's some info from Wikipedia

in May 1940, the Regiment was attached to Generalfeldmarschall Ewald von Kleist�s Panzergruppe Kleist and saw combat from the beginning of Fall Gelb, the invasion of the west, on 10 May 1940.

On the first day of the invasion, the majority of the Gro�deutschland regiment was attached to the 10th Panzer Division and engaged fighting its way through Luxembourg in an attempt to outflank southern Belgian fortifications. Meanwhile, III. Battalion was involved in an airborne attack further north in Belgium. The regiment was then involved in the successful crossing of the Meuse river. Near the town of Stonne, the regiment was involved in heavy fighting with French armoured forces, and acquitted itself well.

The regiment then marched north towards Dunkirk, and was involved in defeating the British counterattack at Arras. Gro�deutschland was then involved in holding the Dunkirk pocket, before being transferred south to join the attack across the Seine. The French surrender found the regiment in Lyon. After a stopover in Paris to take part in the German victory parade, the regiment was then sent north to Celsace in preparation for Operation Seel�we. After Seel�we was called off, the regiment was moved to the South of France in preparation for Operation Felix, the planned invasion of Gibraltar.

Yugoslavia - Barbarossa
After the cancellation of Felix, the Gro�deutschland was moved east to Romania to take part in the Yugoslav campaign then in progress. The regiment�s operations in this campaign were mostly pursuing the broken Yugoslav forces. I. Battalion was involved in the occupation of Belgrade, before the regiment was moved back north into Poland in preparation for Operation Barbarossa
Posted By: lynn Re: Grossdeutschland grouping - 09/11/2009 05:09 PM
Very nice Paul. Presently I'm looking after a chap who was an Lt. with the GrossDeutschland. He enlisted at the outset of the war, was involved in the campaign in overrunning France then spent the rest of his time till '45 in the East. He was a POW in a Russian camp till '46.
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