Posted By: Gator Dachau KL Guard - 09/15/2009 04:27 PM
For the first time ever, I bought a small doc
group for a concentration camp guard at Dachau.

His name is Paul Wende and he went to Dachau in
Dec 1944. I am not sure if he was re-activated
or transferred since he would have been 55 yrs
old when he reached Dachau KL. His SS number
was a very low one of 1365. Is there a way to
find more info on him?
Cheers Dan J.
Posted By: phil-brown Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/15/2009 07:29 PM
congratulations gator, you may strike lucky in the NARA files, there are a couple of guys here who research for you at a small cost, good luck and keep us updated, would love to see pics please
Posted By: Gator Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/15/2009 10:39 PM
OK this first, pretty salty but interesting.

Posted By: Ross Kelbaugh (SS-Researcher) Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/18/2009 11:36 AM
Hi Gator:

Sorry to report that there was no "Paul Wende" listed in the central index of SS names in the National Archives. This means that there is no SS officer or enlisted file, Race & Settlement File, or his name does not turn on an indexed list of SS personnel. He might be in the NSDAP membership files, but I did not get a chance to look.


Ross Kelbaugh
Posted By: Gator Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/18/2009 01:09 PM
Hi Ross,
It seems like even though my documents are fragmented, they contain a wealth of information. Are these headquarters type records, How does one get these?.

On this sheet as with others I have his date of birth is listed as aell as place 'Beckersdorf, Sagan(Saxony?).
I am curious how he died but I have a feeling it would have happened at the "Liberation of Dachau" or shortly thereafter where SS guards were tried for war crimes. Perhaps his lower rank might have indicated something less than a death sentence but I think the odds are against that. What do you think?
Posted By: Gator Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/19/2009 02:40 PM
Here is his passport photo front and back.
The back clearly reads Sachsenhausen as
well as SS ..gi dunno ????

Must be an early photo of him.
The paper is marked Agfa-Lupex

Posted By: phil-brown Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/19/2009 05:44 PM
crikey, this brings back memories, i almost bought this for 70e 18months ago,if memory served me right, the majority of the paperwork is tatters, the guy reminds me of trigg from fools and horses.{uk} i like it but the value is low due to condition, i chose not to buy it, but that was your gain. good luck in research, mike constandy has helped me on more than one occasion,.
Posted By: Doug Kenwright Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/20/2009 02:36 AM
Well, unless he moved up through the ranks since the picture was taken
, you won't find him in the officer's lists..he is an NCO in the pic..

Pic looks to be from the early 1930's..at his age, he would have been in a reserve standarte for certain.

Most of the men killed at Dachau were Waffen-SS as the vast majority of the regular guards had fled before the camp was liberated on April 29th 1945
Posted By: Gator Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/20/2009 01:22 PM
Thanks, that makes perfect sense, a reserve unit
this next document seems to be a "Military Service Activation"? I am showing both sides
so you can see the SS Post etc. Wink

Posted By: Ross Kelbaugh (SS-Researcher) Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/21/2009 12:31 PM
Originally posted by Gator:
Hi Ross,
It seems like even though my documents are fragmented, they contain a wealth of information. Are these headquarters type records, How does one get these?.

On this sheet as with others I have his date of birth is listed as aell as place 'Beckersdorf, Sagan(Saxony?).
I am curious how he died but I have a feeling it would have happened at the "Liberation of Dachau" or shortly thereafter where SS guards were tried for war crimes. Perhaps his lower rank might have indicated something less than a death sentence but I think the odds are against that. What do you think?

Multiple copies of the stammkarte were kept by several administrative levels that included the St�rme, SS-Standarden, Absnitte, and the central SS Hauptamt which kept the records for the NCOs and lower ranks. I suspect that these documents might have been liberated at the end of the war possibly from Dachua. I was surprised that an Enlisted File did not turn up for him in the Archives since it contains the records for many of the older reserve Allgemeine-SS men who were pressed into Waffen-SS service towards the end of the war.

Ross Kelbaugh
Posted By: Gator Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/22/2009 12:13 PM
Thanks for your posts Ross, Doug and Phil.
Ross do your findings preclude any further
research on Paul Emil Wende?
Posted By: Gator Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/23/2009 12:54 AM
Signed Oath of Allegiance to Hitler.

Posted By: Ross Kelbaugh (SS-Researcher) Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/23/2009 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Gator:
Thanks for your posts Ross, Doug and Phil.
Ross do your findings preclude any further
research on Paul Emil Wende?

If he was member, his NSDAP membership file cards may still survive. There are two separate collections of these cards and one group sometimes has the member's photo attached.

Ross Kelbaugh
Posted By: Gator Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/23/2009 01:03 PM
Ross, you can email me at [email protected]
with info about the service cost etc.

Regards, Dan Jacobsen
Posted By: Doug Kenwright Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/27/2009 06:42 AM
I will have to locate it, but there is a list of line and reserve units that were seconded to Dachau near the end of the war to augment the guard company.I will see if i can dig it up.

Ross is correct, if these damaged documents were sourced from Dachau, chances are the owner was long gone before they were found.
Posted By: phil-brown Re: Dachau KL Guard - 09/27/2009 07:05 AM
from memory doug , these docs wernt found in this condition, i was told they were found in a attic, and mice had damaged them, i wish i could remember the guy who i was doing to buy them of, before i changed my mind.
Posted By: Jon Fish Re: Dachau KL Guard - 10/19/2009 08:14 PM
These came up for sale on WAF a while back
Posted By: Gaspare Re: Dachau KL Guard - 10/19/2009 09:28 PM
This is the Dachau site. Much of its records came from confiscated allied records but they have helped me when the normal research ends could not for some reason. :


Here are the archivists email.. Make the request as simple as possible.. I see you have his SS number. Maybe just his name and SS number and ask if they have any record of him.. ,,someone will get back to you in about months time..... For me it was well worth the wait! Good luck...

Please email requests to:

[email protected].

Posted By: Gator Re: Dachau KL Guard - 10/23/2009 04:23 PM
Thanks Gaspare, I did send an email to the archives, I hope to get some good info when
they reply.
Posted By: Larry C Re: Dachau KL Guard - 11/16/2009 02:18 AM
The photo of Wende was taken in 1935, that was a transitional time for cap devices. The cap skull changed first then the cap eagle in 1936
Posted By: Larry C Re: Dachau KL Guard - 11/21/2009 04:17 PM
Here are wartime Agfa-Lupex, logos

Attached picture Lupex2Pre45.jpg
Posted By: Larry C Re: Dachau KL Guard - 11/21/2009 04:18 PM
another wartime

Attached picture LupexPre45.jpg
Posted By: Larry C Re: Dachau KL Guard - 11/21/2009 04:18 PM
Postwar logo

Attached picture LupexPost45.jpg
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