Posted By: WWII Fin de Siecle Shooters - 04/30/2012 01:02 PM

It's been quite a while since we had a look at some old Sch�tzen K�nig (shooting king) decorations. Actually, it's been some time since I've found anything that I consider a bit special, too. I recently picked up this 'oldie but goodie' from a nice lady who lives in Greece. At a hundred and sixteen years old, no, not the lady .. the medal, it's still in fine condition considering it's a thin, double-struck example. These early, lightweight silver as well as alloy pieces might seem fragile but they're surprisingly sturdy and well constructed. These three are all over a hundred years old - the neck-chain is engraved 1910, the middle star, 1896, and the larger star at the bottom, 1908. Sorry about the light glare in the photos, shooting these things can be a nightmare of reflections. I had the top and bottom pieces stashed away and thought this new example would complement the pair and make for a nice cased display.

In a thread in the community section we were discussing the global financial situation in general and more specifically, the state of the hobby and buying collectibles as investments. There I mentioned collecting as an interest - certain subjects and objects that stimulate the eye as well as the mind. From my perspective collecting should almost always be an enjoyable and entertaining experience.

Would anyone honestly think these shooting medals are hot, big-ticket items that I'm going to make a bundle on..? ha .. no way! I simply collect them because I like them, finis. There are many positive things about the designs I admire, the background and history is cool and they're affordable to guys like myself, with limited collecting budgets. Do I wish I could collect Prussian PM's, breast stars and the like? You bet. Can I afford them ... another definite and laughable, no way! Are those types of things solid investments? I'm sure they're as good as anything else, except maybe land and/or property? Stocks and bonds that we own could go 'belly-up' like poisoned fish at any time, nothing would surprise me pertaining to the spurious, crooked world of high-finance.

If the wheels do eventually fall off, at least with our collections we'll still have some good, tangible hardware left in our own hands. grin

I fear those who generate a lot of their incomes through the hobby may be in for a little 'rough-sailing.,,' but on the other hand, I feel our community is strong enough to support good, honest dealers, old friends and reputable acquaintances through these lean times. wink

And now back to the subject ... hope you enjoy the shooters!



Attached picture newstar1sm.jpg
Attached picture newstar2sm.jpg
Posted By: WWII Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 04/30/2012 01:03 PM

Attached picture newstar3sm.jpg
Posted By: JohnZ Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 04/30/2012 01:56 PM

You constantly surprise me and amaze me.

Beautiful items like this will always retain value as works of art.

As always, thank you for showing.

Posted By: Pitbull63 Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 04/30/2012 04:28 PM

These are indeed works of art.

The craftsmanship, design, and attention to detail that goes into these are amazing.

Like all the other pieces I've seen of yours in the past, this being no exception, they're Creme de la Creme.

Posted By: Baz69 Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 04/30/2012 05:05 PM

As ever these are some great sch�tzen medaille, I'm with you, guys should just enjoy what they collect, the investment part is just a side show to me, whilst these are not shooting related these Karnival medals can be had for next to nothing and feature some of the best enammelling that I have seen to date. These can be colleced on a shoestring budget.


Attached picture Karnival Orden 001 (Large)a.jpg
Attached picture Karnival Orden 009 (Large).jpg
Posted By: Baz69 Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 04/30/2012 05:08 PM
Here's a few shooting medals, all came from the same guy in Germany, picked all these up for around $100.


Attached picture Shooting awards 001 (Custom).jpg
Attached picture Shooting awards 003 (Custom).jpg
Posted By: Festus Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 05/01/2012 12:03 PM
I didn know th circus was in town? Thank ye young feller!! crazy
Posted By: foxart Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 05/01/2012 03:31 PM

Love the display...esp.the Kette.


Your laurel leaf award is also very interesting.

Thanks for showing.
Posted By: Larry C Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 05/02/2012 01:21 AM
Hi Bill,, Excellent commentary and very true!...its all about the history! The Shooting chain is quite exquisite!! Regards Larry
Posted By: WWII Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 05/02/2012 01:25 PM

Thanks for the additional snaps and comments, you're a good bunch!

I've always enjoyed collecting the civilian-side of German awards, medals and decorations. Just as their military counterparts, there's so much history behind even the most ordinary of things. Things that were 'alive' in their own way, mute witness to extraordinary times and events. Intangibles that can only be thoroughly understood when taken in a greater context. Science and medicine, the arts, industry, exploration and discovery, religion and politics-at-large and a thousand other nuances that influenced the common man, Joe Average. Exactly the poor guy who gave up his future and life for a cause he could only try to understand, millions of faces with no names, gone unspeakable horrors.

So what did these people enjoy besides regularly and in timely fashion kill each other in huge numbers? Seriously, they enjoyed lots of things, pretty much the same as we do today. They read the paper, joined their clubs, went shopping in the big city on the weekend, visiting and celebrating in art festivals, parades, concerts, Karneval, Oktoberfest, shooting and sporting events and on and on ... and don't forget the Germans were notoriously clever at creating lots of great medals, awards, stickpins and doo-dads to mark each significant and sometimes not-too-significant event. Many of the manufacturing companies who produced the civilian decorations also created the military medals during the years of both World Wars, so they had lots of practice. The designs, casting, enameling and finishing on these is normally first class handwork. Top that off with originality, eye-appeal and modest prices and you can see the attraction.

Best! wink

Posted By: Mikee Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 07/12/2012 08:30 PM

Sorry somehow I missed this post, well that's happening alot lately so I'm going to have a look through the other threads.

These shooting items have such great appeal. I can't tell you how much I enjoy seeing these. Thank you for posting them.
Posted By: derjager Re: Fin de Siecle Shooters - 09/18/2012 05:14 PM
I must have been napping when this post first made it's rounds.
I enjoyed seeing all the awards. I agree that the carnival pieces are colorfull and make an interesting display.

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