I thought I start this with a Wartime example of a Prussian enlistedmans busby dated 1916.
Joe Semen

Attached picture busby.JPG

Can you tell us something about your Hussars
busby? In know these fellas started out as light-cavalry units as far back as the late 1600's, I believe? When did the men and officers adopt this particular style of headgear?

Would anyone know the most common types of fur used on the busby?

Thanks and best regards,

Do not quote me on this one. But if I remember the The hussars prior to 1850 wore a tall clindrical hat. Then sometimes in the 1850's they chage over to the busby. The enlistedman busby were made out of black seal skin fur. The officers wear made out of brown otter fur.They were streched over the cane framework.Then during the war the fittings were change to a dull grey,the chinscales to leather chinstraps and then ersatz material started to be used from streched felt to plush cloth. This is for the enlistedman's busby. But I hope this helps.

Thanks Joe Semen
Beautiful Busby Joe!
Here is a tschapka to Schleswig-Holsteinisches Ulanen-Regiment Nr.15.

Attached picture Tschapka4-T4.jpg
It belongs to Ren�, a very good friend of mine who lives a few miles away from my house.
Spectacular collection.

Attached picture a8.jpg
The original armor that goes with the helmet.

Attached picture a9.jpg
Other helmets.

Attached picture a7.jpg
Imperial gorgets anyone ? Wink

Attached picture a6.jpg
Ren� does have an incredible collection. Some of us have a war room. Ren� has a whole basement full of stuff. Cool
Very nice examples guys.
Keep them coming.

Joe Semen

Absolutely first rate!

Let's see some more please ..? Smile

Here is another , a M1915 Prussian em's jaeger shako
dated 1916. Thanks Joe Semen

Attached picture jager.JPG
Here is another , it is a M1915 bavarian mounted cavalry dated if memory is correct 1915.
This is last one for now , let's see some saxon jager wartime and artillery and other branches of service. Thanks Joe Semen

Attached picture mounted.JPG
6 K�niglich S�chisches Infanterie-Regiment 105

Attached picture SaxonT2.jpg
Very nice pickelhaube Roy.

Joe Semen
Here's my one and only Pickelhauben that I bought last year.

Attached picture A.jpg
Side view

Attached picture B.jpg
Perfect front Prussian plate.

Attached picture D.jpg
Suberb example Patrice. If you only want one, that's it.
Thank you !
Are all Imperial collectors on GDC, Canadians ? Big Grin
Great looking War Bonnets all.

Pat, I like your helmet stand.

Attached picture My-WWI-Pickelhaube.jpg
Great stuff guy's!

Pat- there are many US Imperial collectors as well, most of us use the Pickelhaubes.com Forum as it relates more to WWI then GDC.

Joe- Your M15 Bavarian with the fluted spike is a Bavarain Chevaulegers helmet.

Very nice and quite rare in your condition.

Here is another it is m1915 prussian pickelhaube again dated 1916, 156 reg. thanks Joe Semen

Attached picture 164.JPG
Last one, That is it. This is a m1915 Hessen artillery kugelhelm. The marking are there but the leather is too dark to read them. Plus damn flash on all my pictures made the front plate brighter than it should be. Next time I will use natural light in the summer. It is still winter here.Enjoy. Thanks Joe Semen

Attached picture hesse.JPG

From the Hohenzollern-looking frontplate do I ascertain that your helmet is colonial/east-asiatic in origin?

Could one of you gents please let me know about the fluted spike? I saw one that looked somewhat like Mike's but had a ball on the top.

Thanks for all the nice images guys!

Hi Bill,

It's pre-WWI, I was told it's either a colonial officer helmet or Gendarmerie officer helmet from Reichsland Elsass-Lothringen. The spike is a curious one?
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