Posted By: veteranen SA leader dagger - 03/16/2006 07:25 AM

Attached picture haken4.jpg
Posted By: Ronald Weinand Re: SA leader dagger - 03/16/2006 02:04 PM
This is a reproduction from the 1980s. Advertised is the Shotgun News from the Belgium.
Ron Weinand
Weinand Militaria
Posted By: veteranen Re: SA leader dagger - 03/16/2006 06:55 PM
Ron: are you sure the artcle was about a copy SA leader and not a rare SA dagger?
mvogel: I dont understand what you are writing it sounds like nonsense to me !
jim m: what kind of skin are used to scabbards of these daggers?
Posted By: veteranen Re: SA leader dagger - 03/16/2006 07:00 PM
Hi,Ron: I have just been told by the owner that this dagger has been his friends possition since 1951. Whatt do you say to this?
Posted By: Adam Kirchen Re: SA leader dagger - 03/16/2006 07:04 PM
It looks cool and if it wasn't produced Third Reich period they should have produced it. I couldn't tell you about authenticity but for the right price I would buy it, but the key word is right price. Show some more pictures, please.
Posted By: Landser Re: SA leader dagger - 03/16/2006 07:41 PM
Originally posted by lenum:
mvogel: I dont understand what you are writing it sounds like nonsense to me !

Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Posted By: Craig Gottlieb Re: SA leader dagger - 03/20/2006 12:43 AM
Does anyone have high-quality photos of that piece? I would love to have it for the "Fantasy" section of R/R. All I can say is nice use of a cap eagle Wink
Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 03/20/2006 05:24 PM
The second pic shows a sample of daily activities planned by the 'souper', in this case it depicts 'BUTT KICK TIME AT CAMP PLOSCHKOVITZ'.

Attached picture P1011159.JPG
Posted By: anonymous 123 Re: SA leader dagger - 03/20/2006 05:28 PM
And all along I was thinkin this was "Doggy DoDo" boot checkin time!! Roll Eyes Big Grin
Posted By: Dave Re: SA leader dagger - 03/20/2006 06:27 PM
We did thsi in the Army - They are checking for worn soles and heels.

Posted By: Bernie Brule Re: SA leader dagger - 03/20/2006 09:44 PM
Gee I've never heard Manfred talk nonsense before. Big Grin

I think he was serious this time. Big Grin Big Grin

Actually in that picture, they are learning to do the NAPOLA moon walk in reverse.
Posted By: Ronald Weinand Re: SA leader dagger - 03/21/2006 04:13 PM
Lenum, you asked for opinions and you got them. I don't keep a court-ready brief on all the fakes and repros that have been offered throughout the years. I just remember the ads in the Shotgun News and this dagger fits the bill.
When and where have you seen an original that looks this bad before? Its horrible and doesn't fit any of the KNOWN exsiting models.
Ron Weinand
Weinand Militaria
PS: The blade looks EXACTLY like a Rex Reddick artifical damascus blade!!
Posted By: anonymous 123 Re: SA leader dagger - 03/21/2006 04:16 PM
Here are some obvious things that are wrong with it:
*The upper crossguard etch appears to be one that is often seen on post war pieces. We'd need a better picture to tell for sure.
*The lower crossguard is a pure fantasy piece which appears to be made up of a crossguard with perhaps a cap eagle attached.
* The blade is a known postwar pattern probably from Reddick
*The leather covering covering on the scabbard is totally wrong. The correct leather would be a medium to dark brown.
There's probably other things about it that are wrong that would be apparent with a hands on examination.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 03/21/2006 05:59 PM
Lenum: This dagger is one of the many fantasy pieces that sprouted up in the postwar period. If it were period it would fall in the category and price range of SA presentation or High Leader honor daggers which would be around $35,000 to $50,000.
You have not indicated if the dagger is yours, your friend's or if you just copied a picture you saw. If you plan on buying it be sure to have the approriate collecting 'education' BEFORE you delve into high priced collectables. If it is cheap, say a couple of thousand $s, that would be indication that it is not original. If it is advertised in the Shotgun news at that price it would have gotten snatched up before you had a chance to post an inquiry.
When Ron Weinand told you this is a fantasy post war piece then this is really all he can tell you because you don't seem to have the background nor the publications to compare notes and evaluate all the references.

In summary, your dagger might be a rare specimen but, never the less, it is a fantasy postwar piece.
Posted By: veteranen Re: SA leader dagger - 03/21/2006 06:57 PM
Hi again for the last time.
Now I got some info I can use. I do not own this dagger, I was offered it togeather with
a similar type and the owner claims he bought them in 1951. The price for both was 15000$.
Posted By: anonymous 123 Re: SA leader dagger - 03/21/2006 07:09 PM
Well tell the "owner" to move the decimal point two places to the left and he'll be right on the money! Big Grin
Isn't Denmark one of those Countries where smoking dope is legal?? Roll Eyes Big Grin
Posted By: Adam Kirchen Re: SA leader dagger - 03/21/2006 08:03 PM
Don't get you panties in a bunch buddy. I see the Danish humor is not a very active one, being that you can't take a stupid joke. Lighten up and have a little fun, your only are alive once so don't die piissed off have a little fun in life. Wink Jee Confused Are you sure you haven't already bought it you seem awfully mad about a little humor. Roll Eyes
Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 03/21/2006 08:09 PM
I think you should buy that dagger and the one that goes with it for the $15,000.00 you were quoted.

Then, try to sell it. You need the experience.

Mark Big Grin
Posted By: MichaelP Re: SA leader dagger - 03/21/2006 08:57 PM
Wouldnt that be funny, it might make him sit up and take some notice at what you guys are trying to tell him, some people sure dont have any humor in their lives, it must be a laugh going out for a drink with him if thats how he reacts at a little ribbing
Posted By: Johnny V. Re: SA leader dagger - 03/21/2006 09:05 PM
Not only should you have a better sense of humor Mr. Lenum(sadly the obvious dim nature of your social life is not what I am calling into question), but rather, right now you should be thinking about THANKING some of the more experienced people of this forum who helped you dodge a $15,000.00 mistake. I can accept your deficient sense of humor, but a striking lack of appreciation and etiquitte for those that saved you $15K in inexcusable.
P.S. Before you call anyone here "stupid" you should remember that YOU were the one considering paying $15,000.00 for the "SA Bling Honor Dagger". Honestly, seriously considering that investment does not even have a ring of intelligence about it.
Good luck in your collecting professor...
Posted By: veteranen Re: SA leader dagger - 03/23/2006 01:01 PM
Hi guys a last remark.
The kind Mr. Frederick Stephens from UK was so kind sending me a private email on this subject and after corresponding with him I found the solution I needed.
Thank you Mr. Stephens
Posted By: MichaelP Re: SA leader dagger - 03/23/2006 03:31 PM
Well good for you, now you can go away and annoy somebody else instead of acting like a Prima Donna and wasting everybody's time,Mate!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 03/23/2006 04:46 PM
Lenum: What did Mr. Stevens tell you? Did he tell you what a great deal it is, and urge you to go forth and make the big buy? Or did he tell you the same Mr. Weinand did?
Posted By: sdp Re: SA leader dagger - 03/23/2006 06:18 PM
Johnny, remember the rules... when you're joking, you're supposed to write in pink Big Grin
Posted By: MichaelP Re: SA leader dagger - 03/23/2006 06:22 PM
HA HA HA; that was very well put my friend I was actualy starting to think that I would be waking up in the morning with a Horses head in my bed or having to check under my car before I headed into Barracks, now I can sleep soundly if not my shotgun is locked n loaded.
as always
Posted By: Adam Kirchen Re: SA leader dagger - 03/23/2006 09:51 PM
Yes Mister Lenum, that dagger is a steaming pile of cow dung, just like your additude direct at out longtime forum members, who by the way were adding a little humor in their answers Roll Eyes. Be happy you got free help, really, unless you don't consider it free since you must pay your ISP for internet service, or like I mentoned earlier unless you already bought it (The Super High Leader Dagger). Eek Also disregard whatever that Johnny guy said we all know all of what he spews is rubbish anyways. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Posted By: Johnny V. Re: SA leader dagger - 03/24/2006 02:03 PM
Thank you Adam!
I love it when people just come out and say the truth;
1) Bad dagger
2) Bad attitude
3) I am full of rubbish... hey wait a second!
Big Grin Big Grin
Posted By: Mike McAlvanah Re: SA leader dagger - 03/25/2006 01:57 AM
OK guys, I erased most of the crap here- keep it sane- The dagger is a piece of crap and what we should learn is that aquaintances will lie their asses off for a shot at 15K. Mike
Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 03/27/2006 11:27 PM
Dr. Mac: By golly, you done just erased some of my best input to GDC. This is worse than anything - its been hurtin' my feelin's badly. You nogoodnick you. Let the tonton macoos show up at your doorstep for those evil deeds.
Posted By: Mike McAlvanah Re: SA leader dagger - 03/28/2006 02:30 AM
Manfred, that was not some of your best input.Mike
Posted By: Houston Coates Re: SA leader dagger - 03/28/2006 04:28 AM
I didn't see this whole thing--but-it looks like you guys were pretty tough on this new fellow????????
Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 03/28/2006 05:10 PM
Well, after Ron Weinands prognosis I thought the issue was pretty much settled. So I took the opportunity to add a little 'spin evaluation' to it. The fellow, apparently, took it serious and got a bit salty. That started the ball rolling.
Posted By: Ed Martin Re: SA leader dagger - 03/28/2006 07:54 PM
I think RW and mvogel gave him good answers.He received a little ribbing at the start about things but than everything got serious and he was given the info on the dagger.If he didn't except that so be it and he was told to do what ever made him happy.
Posted By: Frederick J. Stephens Re: SA leader dagger - 03/29/2006 02:30 PM
OK fellows, for those of you wondering what it was that I said to Mr. Lenum, it was simply a request for more photographs, showing more of the dagger, and then my feedback to him.

I confirmed that Ron Weinand's comment about this piece being a fake-up was correct, and if Ron had seen them advertised in the Shotgun News - and that they were coming from Belgium, then Ron was accurately recalling the situation to the best of his ability.

It is true that there were couple of fakers working out of Belgium in the 1970s and 80s, and one of these gentlemen was professionally employed, I believe, as a gun engraver at the FN Arsenal.

However, looking at the photos, the only point in which I disagree with Ron (my opinion only, mind you) is that I thought the piece was not the work of our Begium chum at FN, but more like the work of one of German fakers.

The photograph that Mr. Lenum submitted to the GDC site did not, unfortunately show the blade in the clearest light (photographs came originally from the seller of the piece). However, other photos submitted show that the blade is in fact genuine damascus steel - albeit modern made damascus. It doesn't look like any of Mr. Reddick's acid etched "damascus" examples.

Final point, fellow collectors, although we all like a good joke - and we all have to take a bit of a ribbing sometimes, please remember that for some of our members who are not natural English speakers, that not all jokes, witticisms, and reparte comments necessarily translate as humorously intended.

Posted By: Houston Coates Re: SA leader dagger - 03/29/2006 02:55 PM
Very good point Fred. It is a great thing to have you with us here on GDC.
Posted By: Mike McAlvanah Re: SA leader dagger - 03/29/2006 10:33 PM
Jim,I just erased your last answer-Even if you think it's true, it would not help any.Mike
Posted By: anonymous 123 Re: SA leader dagger - 03/29/2006 11:26 PM
You've got mail.
Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 08/11/2006 03:41 PM
I don't care what anyone sez but I still think that it was a special award dagger given to the NAPOLA souper high leaders. Thems were the ones that made the soups and the Quaker Oat meal for them punks that stood in line mit da pail and a shpoon gettin' ready for chow. Wink
Posted By: Dave Re: SA leader dagger - 08/11/2006 10:36 PM
I want to say that looking at this thread, even after Mike cleaned it up, that Lenum did not get much help or very fair treatment.

Maybe he does not speak English well, but that is no reason to not give a helpful answer to the guy.

Manfred, I agree with Mike's post. Sorry

Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 08/12/2006 03:46 PM
Dave: It was my impression that Lenum had a hard time accepting the response he got from Ron Weinand and started to get argumentative. In that respect I also believe that Ron Weinand didn't get fair treatmant from Lenum. It goes both ways.
Posted By: Donnie B. [last rev.] Re: SA leader dagger - 08/12/2006 08:53 PM
He didn't get near what I got for posting originals, but maybe I should stay out of this one. Razz

Manfred, did you get my last email?
Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 08/12/2006 09:11 PM
"Originals" was not the issue with those you showed Donnie.

Whole different subject.
Posted By: Donnie B. [last rev.] Re: SA leader dagger - 08/12/2006 10:36 PM
Understood Mark. This "thing" had red flags all over it. Lack of knowledge has cost many much.
I don't think the poster was abused in any way except for honest opinions that he seemed to take the wrong way. Some of the replys in my opinion went a little over the line but Mike kept it all in check. Cool
Posted By: MRW Re: SA leader dagger - 08/13/2006 12:22 AM
I wonder if we could get Mr. lenum to post an image of his beautiful fantasy dagger on a current issue of his local newspaper? Just kidding!
Posted By: Anonymous Re: SA leader dagger - 08/13/2006 12:43 AM
Donnie: Yes, I got your email. But my email to you got kicked back twice by the Mailer Demon.

The opinion I offered (about the Napola souper high leader) was trashed by Mike because he thought it was nonsense. This was really hurtin' my feelins because I thought it was one of my best and most valuable postings. So I reposted it yesterday for the benefit of all thems that didn't get to read it the first time. Wink
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