Posted By: Mr.Gale Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/13/2017 12:17 AM
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I couldn't find a category where it would fit so if it should be somewhere else, please move it.

This is a luncheon knife that belonged to the Officer's Casino (Officer's Mess) at Dachau, as inscribed on the back side base of handle in cursive "SS- Casino Dachau". The front simply bears a large SS runic symbol. The knife measures ~8 1/5" in length and the handle and blade are around 1" in width. Let me know what you think.


Attached picture _GWE3940-3.jpg
Attached picture _GWE3942-3.jpg
Attached picture _GWE3946-3.jpg
Attached picture _GWE3948-3.jpg
Attached picture _GWE3951-3.jpg
Posted By: [email protected] Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/14/2017 03:46 AM
I think that it is outstanding quality of workmanship and the engraving highest quality cheers Ryan
Posted By: BAMA Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/18/2017 02:24 PM
I would be very careful of any SS silverware. The market seems to be flooded with all kinds of old silverware that has had SS runes or unit symbols added postwar.
Posted By: Dave Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/18/2017 03:42 PM
I agree with BAMA

The knife is most likely original. Note that there is quite a bit of wear to the detail of the handle but little to the SS runes or the pebbled background.
Posted By: Mr.Gale Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/21/2017 11:02 PM
Your right, it could be a phony as a $3 bill, but so could that shinny SS dagger in you display. :-) I'm not naive enough to think every WWII German item is real, on the contrary I don't trust any of it being real but I (we) do our best trying to weed out the honest from the fake. That said, I feel this is the real deal or someone has extreme skills faking this.
Someone mention that the runic wasn't worn like the surrounding area here is a close up and to me it looks just as worn.
Posted By: zet Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/23/2017 04:16 PM
Im not an expert but knife looks post war polish gerlach maker with stamp stainless .TB
Posted By: seany Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/23/2017 09:54 PM
Just more crap to try and rip off the new collectors.
Posted By: [email protected] Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/24/2017 12:09 AM
dedication is certainly nice and well done and matches known period engravings (German) the quality is there comparative to known fantasy pieces as seen on some current well known "dealer" sites no one can be certain and this is the pratfall of posting on this forum. It becomes a badge of honor to "out" a fake and safe guard the collecting community. I wouldn't expect canteen pieces to be in silver. cheers and best, Ryan
Posted By: Jim W Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/24/2017 02:40 PM
Gerlach is a Polish firm that produced the blades for the post war Polish military daggers. The fact that the label has "rust free" on it causes the poles, and me, to figure this piece is post war. In addition, it appears that the runes are inset instead of raised. It is hard to tell from the photograph, but if this is the case, the runes are inset, I would say post production work on the SS.

Just my opinion
Posted By: Mr.Gale Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/29/2017 01:22 AM
The ruins are raised. the back side is engraved.

I contacted the auction house I purchased this from expressing my doubts about this item. Below is the response I got from them:

Affiliated Auctions & Realty LLC has sent you a message

This lot is deemed authentic, we would need written statements from professionals that state it is reproduction and the reasons that lead them to believe this.

---Original Message---
From : Ensign, Gale (Invaluable)
Sent: Jul 25, 2017, 7:09 PM
To: Wolfe, Angela

I purchased this with the understanding that is an authentic item. After receiving this luncheon knife I've showed to to several collectors and have learned that is is a post WWII forgery that was probably made in Poland. How do I get my money back

I might copy this thread and send it to them.
Thanks everyone for your input, I appreciate it.

Posted By: Mr.Gale Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 07/29/2017 01:30 AM
Also, I sent an email to Gerlach asking if they have any records of making this pattern. There website is Polish so I don't know if they can read my English email. If one of the Polish members would like to contact them on my behalf let me know. I'm not out a bunch of money but I hate being taken.

Posted By: BAMA Re: Not Quite an SS Dagger - 09/07/2017 07:08 PM
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