Posted By: craig w.kahe2s new guy to forum - 12/25/2018 03:30 PM
Happy Holidays and this is my first message. I signed up a couple of months ago and have been reading the threads to learn what I can. Lots of great information from fellow collectors. I hope this is the correct way to send a message as I am no good when it comes to computers. just wanted to say greetings and hello from Joplin Mo.
Posted By: Texasuberalles Re: new guy to forum - 12/25/2018 05:10 PM
Lots to learn.
Best way is read, read, read! And Welcome!

Posted By: craig w.kahe2s Re: new guy to forum - 12/25/2018 05:44 PM
Thank You and I agree with you. Books are the best investment a person can make in this or any other hobby. books and things like this form make collecting so much better than the so called old days.
Posted By: Dave Re: new guy to forum - 12/25/2018 06:25 PM
Is there anything in particular that you collect?

You can post pictures if you want.

Posted By: craig w.kahe2s Re: new guy to forum - 12/25/2018 09:58 PM
I would say as many that edged weapons are my favorite but I like it all and like to learn about everything even if I will never own it myself. love belts and buckles have a railroad eagle and signed photo of AH. Just stuff I have picked up over the years and also my share of fake stuff. Really just love to learn from people who do the same and know a lot more than I will ever have time to learn. What a crazy hobby...but love it.
Posted By: Dave Re: new guy to forum - 12/25/2018 10:36 PM

"but I like it all and like to learn about everything even if I will never own it myself."

That defines me as well. It is why I love to go to the MAX show to see what our GIs brought home. WWI beer mugs and helmets and rifles and web gear. WWII ... well, about anything up to German cigarette papers or even toilet tissue. My own vice is SS Daggers.

Posted By: craig w.kahe2s Re: new guy to forum - 01/01/2019 02:58 PM
That's a good vice to have. I feel it always has been at the top of this hobby and always will be. On the down side the most faked but with all the great books and things like this form a person can avoid most of them. I don't know how to post pictures but I am getting ready to learn. I want to buy a camera and need advice as to a model that will give me top shelf pictures. Any advice ?? The most important part is quality pictures over the price. Just like this hobby you get what you pay for. Best Regards Craig
Posted By: ed773 Re: new guy to forum - 01/01/2019 04:21 PM
Craig, Yes you will learn much here, as I have, a great forum. As far as photos go, you just have to try and try. One of the better sites as far as presentation is Meda Militaria. JR takes fantastic pictures with a old camera, a Fuji if i can remember, and a cardboard box. I'm not too far from you, down on Table Rock Lake. JR told me years ago to narrow my collecting to one area. I have not been very good at that yet. Pritty much anything post 1800. But edge weapons are at my top with firearms, and coins, and trains, and. Wish there was a small military show around here, I miss them.
Welcome, and good collecting.
Posted By: craig w.kahe2s Re: new guy to forum - 01/03/2019 11:13 PM
Thank You Ed for the greeting. Like you I like anything that is in top shape but I know nothing about coins except to buy the best. My dad loved trains so I'm glad to hear there are still collectors out there. Best Regards...Craig
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